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JAXON ARRIVED AT THE FIELD just in time to hear Josie whispering the spell. His eyes went straight to the sound of breaking bones which was coming from Ethan who was about to throw the ball.

He let out a shout as he fell on the ground, clutching to his injured arms. The players instantly froze, his mom and Alaric instantly rushing to him along with the other players on the team. Alaric's eyes went to Josie who looked away in guilt while Ethan kept groaning in pain.

Josie took a few steps backwards before she ran out of the field. Alaric's stare moved from his daughter to Jaxon and he didn't need words to tell the demigod what he wanted him to do.

Jaxon turned around and took off after Josie.

"Jo!" He called out but she didn't stop. She kept running until she was far enough from the field. She finally stopped and began breathing heavily while Jaxon stopped in front of her. "Why the fuck would you do that?"

"I didn't mean to!" She defended, looking up at him, "I didn't know it was that bad!"

"Bad or not, you're not supposed to be using magic on the fuckin' field." He responded, "this is—"

"— Dad's not the headmaster anymore," Josie cut him off, "Headmaster Vardemus told me that I could. We should've won!" She exclaimed, lowering her voice as she said the next part, "we never do."

"Fuck Vardemus," he sighed, "what you did is wrong in so many ways. Can't you see that? That asshole is making you go against everything you've been taught. Do you even realise the consequences of your action?"

"It can't be that bad," she said, keeping her voice low.

"That was dark magic," Jaxon tilted his head to the side, "his arm's gonna be broken forever. You have officially ruined his life."

"All I did was break his arm—"

"— thus taking away his ability to play soccer which is a game he's great at." He cut her off, shooting her an exasperated look, "you took away his future. How are you going to fix that?"

She went quiet and lowered at that. He knew she regretted doing it but he wanted to make sure she was not going to pull a stunt like that again. He narrowed his eyes at her when her expression faltered, "why did you do it?"

"I wanted us to win."

"Come on now, love, you know better than to lie to me." He said in a warning tone although his expression was neutral. "There's another reason. Tell me."

Realisation hit him like a ton of bricks when she adverted her eyes. "Did you do it because of that girl? Because she's on the other team? You wanted her team to lose at any costs because she's one of them, didn't you? You're jealous because you think that Landon might—" he cut himself off, shaking his head as his face scrunched up in disgust at the mere thought.

"That was another reason, yes." She admitted with a small nod. "I was being stupid and childish—"

He let out a scoff, rolling his eyes at her stupidity, "—yeah, no. Let me tell you something, love."

"What?" Josie raised her brows at her brother. She noticed how his jaw clenched as if he was pissed by what she said.

"That girl is not someone you should be worried about," Jaxon said, "so you don't have to be jealous. Landon's never having a chance."

"What do you mean?" Josie frowned in confusion and when Jaxon shot her a ‘think again’ look, her eyes widened slightly and her lips parted. "You— You mean— you and her? As in you and her? As—" she began rambling, "—as in dating? Girlfriend and boyfriend? Does dad know? Oh my god! You've been dating someone behind our backs! Who even is she?"

'All in due time,' was what he wanted to say but instead, he settled on, "she is none of your concern. And stop being so dramatic. I don't need to inform the entire universe about who I date now do I?"

"But still—"

"—Josie." He cut her off, shooting her a warning look as if to tell her to shut up.

"Jaxon," she tried to mimick the look he was giving her but failed miserably. "It's not fair. You know about my dating life. Why can't I know yours? Does dad know?"

"I might've mentioned it," Jaxon shrugged, "and besides... This is not the point of our conversation. I want you to stay away from that new asshole," he signed, "something about him doesn't sit well with me."

"I'll be careful," she promised with a nod, "don't worry."

"You better be."

‘She won't be,’ Hades said with a scoff and boredom laced in his voice making Jaxon internally roll his eyes, ‘there's no such thing as privacy with you, is there?’

‘You know the answer to that,’ the greek god responded, ‘but on a serious note. This girl? All that's coming out from her mouth right now is complete bullshit.’

I’ll deal with it.’

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