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IT WAS ALMOST 12 AM. Hope was in his bed with him as they both watched a movie silently, ignoring what had happened a few hours ago. Neither of them were able to sleep.

"Hey, I'm hungry," Hope looked up from his chest as he momentarily stopped his fingers from running through her hair repeatedly, "can we go get something to eat in the kitchen?" 

"I'll go get something to eat," he said, grabbing his shirt from the ground beside his side of the bed where he tossed it earlier, "you stay here."

Hope pursed her lips to refrain a victorious smile from breaking out. She nodded, "okay. Don't take too long, I'll pause the movie."

"You better," he muttered, getting up from the bed before sliding on his loose black shirt. Hope couldn't help but stare again, as she would do almost all the time. He was wearing grey sweatpants, his hair was a mess and the loose shirt he had on was not doing justice to his well built body.

She flashed him a sheepish smile when he caught her staring and smiled at her in response before he walked out the door. He was not surprised to see that it was all dark outside, the students were all probably sleeping. He checked the time and saw that it was now 11:59.

Arriving at the kitchen, he saw that the lights were off so he went to turn it on. The second he flipped on the switch, something fell on him. He narrowed his eyes, taking in the shiny small particles, realising it was glitter. "Oh—" he stared at the glitter on his fingers, his face scrunching up in disgust, "—ew." He heard a couple of hushed chuckles as he decided to look up ahead, his eyes fell on Hope, Lizzie, Josie, MG, Kaleb, Pedro and a few other students who he didn't know so he ignored them. They shouted, "Happy Birthday," simultaneously.

"Whose birthday?" he questioned, frowning. The fact that it was his birthday had completely slipped his mind, "mine? Right, mine!" He made his way towards the table, "I completely forgot."

"Wouldn't blame you," Lizzie said, "with all that's been going on. Now, make a wish and blow your candles!"

He settled himself in between them, the cake right in front of him while he bent down a little and blew the candles. "Yay!" Pedro exclaimed with a wide grin as he clapped his hand, throwing more glitter on Jaxon, knowing damn well he hated it.

"Don't make me bury your face in the cake." Jaxon threatened the little guy who rolled his eyes at his empty threat, "you wouldn't. The cake would be ruined."

"I do not mind eating it with your head in it." Jaxon said simply, internally smirking when his eyes widened in fear, "I'm a wolf too, did you forget? And wolves tend to like eating human fles—" he was cut off by Josie, "— okay, okay, no need to scare him."

Hope smiled warmly at him before handing him a knife then motioned to the cake, "get to the cutting part. I'm still hungry."

He was about to take the knife from her as Lizzie cut in, "wait!" They all looked at her questioningly as she joked, "is giving him a knife a good idea?"

"No," Jaxon replied, taking the knife from Hope anyway, pointing it to Lizzie, "I like my cake with blonde witches' blood. It tastes better."

"Ha ha," Lizzie laughed sarcastically, turning the knife away from her face towards the cake, "now cut and get it over with, birthday boy. I'm sleepy."

"Go sleep then, we don't want you here, anyway." One of the students said with a scoff making Jaxon look at her. "Hey, you don't speak that way to my sister. Who the fuck are you anyway?"

"Emily," she shyly replied, "I— I thought there was a birthday party going on so I came with a few of my friends. We're witches."

"I don't care," he waved them off just as Pedro said, "we don't want you here. Go sleep." Emily exchanged a look with her friends before they all looked at Jaxon who raised his brows at them. They got the message and walked away.

The birthday boy rolled his eyes before he finally cut the cake as his friends clapped dramatically. He smiled at their actions, taking a piece of the cake before shoving one into his mouth.

He hummed in approval at the taste, "damn, this is good. Who made this?"

"The girls," MG replied, pointing to Hope, Josie and Lizzie, "I wanna taste."

"No, wait." Jaxon shook his head, grabbing a piece of the cake before he turned to Hope whose cheeks redenned as she realised what he was about to do. "Open," he smirked at her expression while she rolled her eyes before taking a bite of the piece of cake in between his fingers.

"All right," he clasped his hands together, "now you guys can feed yourselves."

"Hey, what about us?" Lizzie asked jokingly, "aren't you gonna feed us too first?"

"Why?" He took another slice and began eating it, "I'm pretty sure you have hands, Liz."

"Hey, I can feed you—" MG suggested making Lizzie cheeks redenned as she stuttered on her words, "I— no— I— It's fine. I'll just—" she quickly grabbed a piece of the cake and shoved it in her mouth while they all watched in amusement.

While they were all busy enjoying the rest of the night, talking, eating cakes and sharing drinks, Jaxon and Hope were in a corner of the kitchen. Hope was eating cake and she had cream all over her fingers and lips. Jaxon chuckled at her before he brought a finger to her lips and wiped the cream off. He smiled at her which soon disappeared when she grabbed the opportunity and slightly sucked on his finger.

He said nothing and only watched as she sucked all while keeping her eyes fixed on his. Then she stopped, taking another bite of her cake and shot him a smug look, "you okay? You look a little flustered."

His brows shot up, "are you teasing me right now?"

"Maybe," she darted her tongue out and licked her lips and his eyes visibly darkened. "You haven't given me my birthday gift yet," he reminded, his eyes staying fixed on her lips as she hummed, nodding, "I think we should take this to the bedroom."

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒 ━━ HOPE MIKAELSON llWhere stories live. Discover now