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WHEN JAXON WOKE up the next day, he carefully pushed Hope who had her head on his chest as she slept away before getting up to get ready for the day. He didn't want to wake up the tribrid for he knew she was tired after all the activities that had taken place earlier.

He didn't know what to expect when they reached his room. He certainly didn't expect Hope to go down on him. She was good— almost as if she had done that before but they both knew she hasn't.

Smiling at the memories, he went outside once he was done showering and getting ready, surprised to find that it was snowing. Furrowing his brows, he made his way towards the students who were playing with snow, throwing snowballs at each other.

He approached Kaleb with a confused expression, "what's going on?"

"It's Christmas!" It was Pedro who replied in an excited tone making the demigod frown, "no, it's October."

"Who cares?" Pedro rolled his eyes, "come play with us, Jax. It's so much fun!"

"Why are you wearing a coat?" He turned to Kaleb, "you can't feel the temperature, you're dead."

"Can you stop reminding me that I am dead? Thank you very much." Kaleb rolled his eyes, tugging his scarf on his neck, "I like to get into the mood. What about you, birthday boy?!Aren't you cold?"

"Not really, I can tune out the temperature." he bent down and grabbed a handful of snow before turning it into a ball, ignoring the fact that it was probably a malivore monster causing this whole thing. He wanted to have some fun, "let's play."

The three of them spent the next twenty minutes throwing snow balls at each other, some other students decided to join them at some point although they were wary of Jaxon considering that he went off rails that even Hades had to come down to earth.

"Did you know that your dad came to see Hope yesterday?" Kaleb random asked, dodging a snowball.

"I've heard," Jaxon responded, using his powers to create more snowballs and throwing them all at once at Pedro who was running away. Three of the five balls bit him making him laugh as he fell on the snow.

"You good now?" The vampire dropped another question, he was genuinely concerned for the half-god. Jaxon nodded, waving him off, "yeah, yeah I'm fine."

He was distracted by their conversation that he didn't notice Pedro who threw a snowball at his face, snow entering his mouth and eyes making him groan, "Fuck—"

"— Language," Kaleb interrupted with a stern voice. "There are kids present."

"Fuck," Pedro repeated with a laugh while Jaxon broke into a sprint as he chased the younger boy. "Come back here, you little shit!"

Pedro continued running while Jaxon ran after him at a slow pace; he could've catch him within seconds. "I'll bury you in the snow." Pedro stopped running at that. He slowly turned to the older guy, "really?"

"What, that idea pleases you?" Jaxon raised his brows, amused when Pedro nodded, "of course! Do it. Bury me."

"No," Jaxon shook his head, "you'll freeze to death." Pedro rolled his eyes before throwing another snowball at him. However, it didn't hit him rather, it went pass him and hit Hope who just walked out of the door.

Pedro's eyes widened and his jaw dropped in fear before he quickly hid behind Jaxon.

Hope approached her boyfriend as Kaleb walked over to them. She narrowed her eyes, looking up at the sky then around, confused before she finally asked, "what the hell is going on?"

"Don't be a Scrooge, Hope," Kaleb said, "It's Christmas. No, it's October."

"That's what I said," Jaxon muttered, making another snowball as he prepared to throw it at Hope.

"Christmas is a state of mind," Kaleb threw an arm around her shoulder, "It's a feeling in the air. Now you feeling it?"

"Definitely—" she was cut off when she received a snowball in the face. Her eyes closing at the sudden feeling then she opened it and glared at Jaxon, "—feeling something."

He shot her a sheepish grin as she wiped the snow off the face, huffing in annoyance, "wanna play with us?"

Hope gave him a look, "oh I'll play with you all right."


Sorry I wasn't in the mood to write a smut but there will be in the upcoming chapters so... :)

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