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A perfect day to do some novels. Well I always say. Sometimes I confuse a lot of people, but that's okay! I love seeing the confusion wash over they face. It's kind of funny, I mean when you ask about ''what came first the egg or the chicken?''. 


It's so entertaining, but enough about that.

And early Sunday morning, in late spring and in Sweden, perfect.

Approximately two minutes before 6.am, I always wake up on 6 on a Sunday, but I stay in most days. Although, it was a Sunday and it was a rainy Sunday at that, it was still perfect. 

Rain helps me focus on my novels and gets me super involved with the setting.

But I've had a slight problem, 

I can't figure out another novel, but I can only think of three different settings ideas, but I'll discuss them right after my alarm..


Ah, there it is. 

I blinked my eyes open welcoming the morning rays from my blue tinted curtains. I raised my head and reached my hand up a shut off my alarm clock. My quildren woke up with the first beep of my alarm. I sat up and searched for my glasses. 

I couldn't see a damn thing without my glasses, but I could imagine what the world would look like.

It would a clear blue sky, dotted with white puffy clouds that looks soft and like a sheep's pelt. I would imagine the cites of Sweden being painted with beautiful colors. Like blues, and dark maroons, oh! Maybe even some greens in there two, I mean if you like green a lot. 

I wouldn't mind the tall buildings of Sweden being white, with blue it would be gorgeous. I hanged onto my glasses and slid them on my face. I knew my room like the back of my hand, if I was deprived from my glasses, I would find my way around. I rubbed my still droopy eyes from sleep, and got up from my bed. A couple of my quildren scurried over to the window and opened the curtains.

I stumbled over to my dresser and pulled out some clothes and a pair of lace gloves. I walked over to the bathroom door and pushed it open. This reminded me off one of my scenes: It was a quiet, young day, in Eastern Asia, and the male (I haven't found a name for him) woken from his slight slumber, from nights grasp,

he sat up and stumbled his way to the bathroom to urinate and wash up.

That's really all, I've gotten so far going with the novel, I mean I would have gone farther if I wasn't busy the whole week. I stripe myself from my sleeping clothes, and turn on the hot shower. I sighed in happiness, it felt so good to feel hot water beat on your back.

It feels so good, after a long day of having my back hunched over a desk. I always get a kink in my neck afterwards, but it always goes away over time. But today, I felt like something was different, something was going to be different. 

I hope it's a good different none the less. 

I opened up the curtain and grabbed onto my towel and dried my hair. I heard a thump against the bathroom window. I turned my head toward the thump, so l glanced toward the window. It was a little oriental turtle dove, all the way from Japan. That's strange..

No birds would fly this far all the way from Japan. The dove flew off the perch and flew away. I stood there compilating and some words flushed into my head:

An early spring morning in Hokuryu, it was the day after the falling of the western palace. The young male got news about these news that night. The young male sat up from his futon, and looked out toward the morning. A dotted oriental turtle dove, with beautiful cream feathers. The young male has seen these kinds of birds before, but he has never touched one before.

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