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A Never and an Ever

Leonora PoV:

"What, w-why? I Always did what you wanted from me, I Always obeyed every of your words." "Im sorry Leonora, but your just not giving your best. I wished so much more from you, so much more that you cant give me." He looked me in my eyes and cupped my cheeks softly. "I thought you we're the one, but your Not." He whispered and turned around. "No please! Let me try! I can be what you want me to be!" I Just heard hin chuckle. Was he really going to leave me? After all I did for him? "You tried and tried. But you will never get to be the one I want." He looked one Last time at me and smiled. "Trust me, I Had a lovely time with you, but I cant waste my time in someone whos Not the right choice." With this, He dissapeared as He Always did. I tried to Grab His Arm,but He was gone.

I broke down onto my knees and started to cry. All that Anger I Had, I screamed it Out and cried. What did I think? That I was Special to him? "Rafal!" was the only Thing I cried, laying in the ground, sad and angry. I didnt know If I wanted to kill him or to forgive me. Overwelmed with all those emotions i walked Out of my room and Out of the Castle. He left me, i was all alone now. No one who Made me feel Special, who taught me how to be the best, He was gone. I Stepper closer to the Edge of the Bridge. "Why did you leave me my Love, i did all i could. I tried my best." My voice was silent and i felt Like i couldnt breath.

I stood at the Edge, Just one more step and I would Fall. I looked down. He took something with me, and I didnt know what it was. But it Made me fest nothing. It, it Just seemed equally for me If I would JUMP now or Not. Slowly I closed my eyes and held my foot over the Edge. "Just do it, who Cares about you now Leonora?" Something seemed to be nice about this, No one would Stop me. I would Just Fall and die.

With one Last breath I completly stepped over the Edge and felt myself slowly start falling. "NO!" A voice screamed and I opened my eyes. A Girl was running towards me, but It was to late. I watched her Run closer as I completly fell down. She stood at the Edge and looked at me, wide, scared eyes. Brown Eyes. The Most beautiful I have ever Seen. "NOO!" I knew she was to late and she knew it too, but still i Wished something would save me now. I wanted to know what Girl Ran after me, who wanted to Safe me, who those beautiful Brown Eyes belonged to.

I closed my eyes again and waited for me to Crash down onto the Stones. I Just waited for me to die. But it didnt happen. It felt Like I was falling forever. Either time felt slow for me now, or something saved me from dieing. As I opened my eyes again I saw the Tower Close to me again. And I saw those beautiful Brown Eyes Stare down at me. "Gosh, your still alive." She hugged me softly and I felt how my face got warmer. "How, how am I still alive?" I asked and looked at her. Those eyes stole somehow my breath. "I saved you. Magic my Darling." She smiles at me and helped me Up. "Im Clarissa Dovey." I took her Hand and Kissed the Back of it softly. "Leonora Lesso. Your an Ever, why did you save me?" "I Heard someone cry and scream, and thats when I left my room. Thats when I saw you Standing there. I dont Care If your a Never or Not, you deserve to life." A little Smile apperead on my face. "Thank you."

We stood there in silence, Not looking at each other. Some Part of me wanted to get to know her better, the other Part Just wanted to Run away. "I-" She looked at me. "Yes?" "I-i cant." With this i Ran of Back Into my Castle. "No wait!" I stopped and looked at her. "Please dont go Leonora." She came closer to me. "Nevers and Evers cant be Friends. So dont even try it. I thank you for saving me, but that was all." With These words i Just Ran Upstairs to my room and closed the door behind me.

I seemed to Like her. She was beautiful. But she was an Ever. Nobody would even Talk to me when I would have her as a friend. So I didnt Let myself get Close to her. Even If something inside me Just wanted to be with her. It Sounds crazy, right? I know her for how Long? Five, six minutes? And still I want to be with her. Who knows what will Happen when an Ever and a Never became Friends. I Just cant let that happen.

Clarissa PoV:

She Just Ran away. Left me Here alone in this Bridge after I saved her Life. Was only I Feeling this Connection between us? Or did i imagine it. I really hoped she wouldnt be Like the other Nevers. But I thought wrong. With my Head down I walked Back to my room, Not looking Back again. I Kind of Just whished she would Ran down and yell my Name. Wanting me to stay. But it didnt happen. It would have never happend, I mean, were talking about a Never. A beautiful Never.

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