| Childish |

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Modern au and kind part two to the proposal story

Mike got out of his car as the rain poured down onto him. If he was indoors he would have loved this weather, he would have snuggled up in a blanket and watched a movie with his fiancé. But today was too important to rest.

"Jesus, you're soaked!" Will said as Mike opened the door to their house.
"Yeah, the rain is heavy today... Can I change before we go?"
"Of course, plus we need to grab something to eat on the way-"
"Do we have time for that!" Mike frantically screamed.
"Yes yes! Mike, it closes at 8pm!" Will Laughed as he walked over and hugged Mike.

He kissed him lightly on the lips as he pulled away and walked back over to the kitchen island. He was sitting with his computer working on something. Mike laughed as he threw his shoes off and walked into their bedroom to grab some comfier clothes but still nice ones.

You may be wondering...
Where are they going! Why's it so important!
But I won't tell you... read and find out.
And stop asking questions of course the answer is in the text.

Mike walked back out and into the bathroom as he attempted to fix his hair. He looked like a wet dog as a frown appeared on his face. Will came into the bathroom and hugged Mike once more. This time longer.
"Your hair is fine"
"I want to make a good impression! What if they don't take me seriously when I look like a wet dog!"
"Micheal Wheeler... have you ever heard of a hair dryer..."
"Do we even own that?!"
"Stupidly enough, we do" Will laughed as he pulled one out of the bathroom drawer.

He plugged it in as he stood behind Mike. The warm air hitting his cold hair. Will stood on his tippy toes to reach Mike. He was very tall. It was almost confusing how he just turned out this tall. His parents were pretty average height but he was just a giant.

Will finished blow drying Mike's hair as it frizzed up.
"Well this looks more stupid..."
"You own a hair brush..." Will face planted as he unplugged the hair dryer and put it back in his drawer.
"I... forgot about that..."
Will chuckled lightly as Mike did the same while brushing his hair. Will couldn't help but cup his cheek and kiss him again as he walked back out into the kitchen.

"Is the room ready?" Mike asked as he to walked out into the kitchen.
"Yeah it is, now come on! I'm hungry!"

"You ready?" Mike said as he held the umbrella up.
"Ready" Will said as they ran out to the car in the pouring rain.

I still wanna know where they're going...
How about we tell you it's important!
We already... know... that?

Mike got into the driver's seat as Will pulled out his phone and connected the Bluetooth to the car. They drove down a few streets before getting to the highway. Music playing in the car speakers.
They stopped at a McDonalds drive thru on the way and got some food. Mike getting a Big Mac and Will chicken nuggets. Mike explaining most of his day while chewing on his food. Will sitting in silence listening carefully. It was lovely. Apart from the food, it was kinda bland.

As Mike parked the car Will grabbed the umbrella. It was a bit of a walk to the... place and the rain was falling in this city too. Mike got out and ran around the car to Will. A few drops hit his head as Will unfolded the umbrella and they began walking down the sidewalk.

As they walked through the door a lady welcomed them.
"You must be Mr. Byers and Mr. Wheeler?"
"Yes ma'am" Will answer professionally.
"Right this way! I have a few I think you might like" the lady began walking down a hallway as the two followed her.

Have you figured it out yet? If you haven't then soon you will.

She opened the door to a big room as a few kids were sat playing. Some of them looked up at the park looking at all of them. The woman was looking through the room as she spotted the child she seemed to be looking for.
"Millie! Would you be kind and come with me?"

A young girl looked up from her drawing as she stood up and walked over to the three of them stood in the doorway.
The woman walked out of the room and led them all to a more private room.

"I let you guys have some alone time while I go see some other families!" The woman's cheery voice said as she closed the door.

"Who are you?" The little girl asked.
"I'm Will this is Mike... how old are you?"
"5 and a half," the girl said proudly.
"Awesome! What do you like doing?"
Mike was kind of surprised by how good Will was with kids but he was a little in love with the fact of it.
"I like drawing and... actually only drawing," little Millie laughed.
The pair laughed with her and they both knew from the small look they gave each other that they were adopting this adorable little girl.

Sorry I'm not really educated on how adoption works but this was my best attempt
Word count: 915

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