| Play Date |

598 11 46

No Vecnussy for this one and we're in s3

Mike was currently sitting in his mothers car. It was an old Volvo. Mike didn't exactly know which type it was but it was a Volvo. His mother's radio was on, shouting out terrible pop music. She was tasteless in music. Mike was headed for Will's house as his mother had suggested a lift. And Mike didn't say no.

"This is like when you guys were little!" Karen said, way too eagerly.
"Oh honey! When you two were kids you would always go to each other's houses and I got to drive you there before you got your bike"
Mike smiled. Thinking back at all the old times with Will. He had always thought Will was cute. Well... cuter than the others. Will made him all fuzzy and happy. And maybe he blushed a little at him when they were changing for PE but that's besides the point. He wanted to confess today. He wanted to tell Will how he really felt about him. It was a risky move but they'd been drifting away recently. Ever since they argued everything had just felt different. Ever since he called Will gay...

The car pulled up to the Byers residence. It was small and alone in the pine forest but Mike liked it more than his house. His street was always full of at least some children running around. It was quite annoying. Always some chit chatter on the street.
Lucas lived in the same street, which meant that once or twice a week a car would come rushing down the road. Max's crazy brother was driving her to Lucas's house and Mike would always hear that idiot fly around. He was like old Steve. Back when Steve was a real asshole.

Mike stepped out of the car as he said bye to his mother. She drove off as fast as he closed the door. If it had been Steve he wouldn't have driven off until he saw you get inside the door. It was a running joke that Steve was like the better mother for the whole party. Or he acted like a mother but he was more like a dad for most.
It was like he found the group of kids with either terrible fathers or no dad at all. Mike still dosent know how he found out about Ted being both homophobic and that 'you need to be a man, son!' Type of dad. But somehow Steve the hair Harrington knew. He also knew Will's father wasn't there for him but nothing of what Mike knew. Then there was Max and Dustin who generally didn't have fathers. But Steve was collecting his children like they were McDonald's toys.

Mike knocked on the door as Will hurriedly opened it. Somehow Will seemed happy at just the fact that Mike was there. But Jonathan gave Mike a death glare as he walked through the door. Mike knew Will liked to talk to Jonathan when something... or someone... upset him.
But Will was too adorable. Mike didn't even have time to be mad; he just wanted to pin him up against a wall and kiss him.

Mike was a little surprised he had just really thought that as he was walking with Will to his room. But Mike's hands were almost grabbing at Wills as he closed the door behind him.

If he wanted to do this he would have to be comfortable at least. Mie thought as he jumped on Will's bed.
Will sat down next to him as Mike checked him out. His eyes stopping at Will's lips.

"H-Hey Will? Can we talk?" Mike started. There was no going back now.
"O-oh... sure..." Will's happy expression seemed to fade.
How was Mike gonna say it? He didn't remember? How had he planned?
"Uhm, Uhm, Uhm- I'm sorry about the fight!" There was a going back.
"Oh! It's really nothing... you wanna read something? I got a few new comics earlier this summer"

Will and Mike were sat so up close Mike could almost feel his heart in his throat. It was strangling him. Will's head rested on Mike's shoulder as they read one of the X-men comics. Mike had been too caught up in Will's eyes to even hear which one it was. He was going insane! He wanted to kiss and cuddle Will! But he couldn't do that... it was wrong.

Will had already noticed it all. He knew Mike wasn't reading and he knew something was up with him. That Mike had a crush on him was not on the list of things that could be wrong.
1. Was that Mike's dad had said something
2. Was that Mike didn't like the comic

"Hey we can switch comic if you don't like this one?" Will said, eventually.
"O-Oh- yeah sure..."
Will sat up as he bent down to grab another comic from the floor. He wasn't focused on Mike as a hand slowly crept over his own. Will turned to see Mike staring at him with a bright red face. Another hand was placed on his cheek as Mike pulled Will closer to him. And as if Will's dream came true in one fell swoop, Mike was kissing him. And Will wasn't able to do much resistance as Mike pushed him down on the mattress and hovered over him.
Mike bit down on Will's lower lip, causing him to moan into the next kiss. Mike's tongue swirled against Will.

"M-ike" Will said in between kisses as he turned his head to catch his breath.
And Mike almost jumped off him as he sat up and stared at him. Both the boys were bright red.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I-I-I just really like you..."
"You... like... me?" Will felt himself bubbling up with happiness.
"Yes! I'm sorry-"

Mike's sentence was cut short by Will's lips slamming onto his. Mike couldn't help but smile as he grabbed Will's cheek again. Deepening their kiss.
This really was a play date

Word count: 1019

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