| "Wil you marry me, Byers?" |

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To say this day was just another regular day would be a HUGE understatement. Mike woke up way too early out of excitement and could almost not lay still as Will slowly but surely woke up. To Will it was any regular day. But Mike had planned this day for weeks, even months. It was a Saturday. They had a film night last night and Mike had picked the movie. He specifically picked a movie he wanted them to watch the next day as well.

As Will woke up he could see his boyfriend sitting in bed. His leg was bouncing up and down. But he didn't seem stressed. He seemed happy? Will was confused because Mike would only bounce his leg out of stress. He crawled up out of bed as Mike turned his head to look at him. The noise attracting his attention.

"Will!" He screamed, laying over Will, hugging him.
Will felt air leave his lungs as Mike laid on top of him. But he still hugged his adorable boyfriend back. He loved moments like this.
"Mike!" Will huffed out.

Mike picked his head up out of Will's shoulder. His eyes so set on the boy he barely even realized he leaned in and kissed him. He was in love with this boy. He made him feel like a kid again. Like they were just two stupid teens in love. But they were not. They were almost in their thirties yet they still acted like teenagers. And Mike didn't want it any other way.

He broke the kiss as Will sat up. Trying to get out of bed. And he made it out alive. Mike was still hugging him tightly as he walked around in their small apartment. Will managed to get his morning coffee and slip into some fresh clothes. Mike also changing. Will was even more confused that Mike was this clingy. Usually he would at least let Will get ready on his own. But he didn't seem to be able to leave Will alone even if he was brushing his teeth. But somehow Will enjoyed it.

"Okay, what are the plans for today? Just sit and chill?" Will asked Mike as he turned to face him.
"No, no, no, we have some very important grocery shopping to do!" Mike said, and it was important to his plan.

You may be wondering.
What is the plan?
Act like it's a normal day. But bring him to their favorite place for a surprise.
What's their favorite place?
Only one question for now, thank you very much!

Will sighed as he went to grab his shoes. Mike still very much glued to him. Making everything a hard task. Once they got out the door he was a little less clingy. Seeing as not everyone knows how to keep their thoughts in their head. A great example would be Troy. Will's school bully when they were kids. He really couldn't keep his mouth shut.

They ended up walking to the small store instead of driving to one of the bigger ones. Reason: Mike's plan! He needed to be able to walk Will to the special place.

Wnow can you tell us what the special place is?
Nope :3

They made a pretty successful grocery trip. Mike getting a load of snacks for later. Once they made it out of the store Mike's anxiety finally kicked in. What if Will said no? And all his prep went to waste? Mike felt his hand begin to tremble as they walked closer to the park.

Happy? You got the special place now

Will could notice Mike was getting nervous. He could notice a lot of things about Mike. But he acted so normal earlier? Why was he so nervous now? Will gently grabbed Mike's shaking hand. He wanted him to know he was there. And Mike seemed to turn red at the gesture. Will smiling ever so softly up at him.
He couldn't say no. This was Will. Will loved Mike. And Mike loved Will.

Mike suddenly realized how close they were to the certain tree. It was a very old tree. He didn't really know what type but it was big. When they were younger they had carved their initials in it with a big heart around it. And right in front of that was where Mike wanted to propose.

"Hey! Let's go see if the initials are still in the tree!" Mike said, dragging Will over to it.
And sure enough there it was. Two sloppy letters around a heart.

They were just staring at it. Admiring it. When Mike took a deep breath and grabbed a small box from his pocket. Will looked over at him after hearing his breath and was shocked to see him get down on one knee in front of him. A sudden understanding struck him as he dropped the bags.

"You make me feel like the most amazing person in the world. Even if I know I'm not, you are the reason I wake up in the mornings happy, I could never see myself in a life without you, and that's why I come to ask..."
Mike took another breath, his heart beating fast

"Will you marry me, Byers?"

Mike held his breath as he looked up at Will. The box opened revealing a small diamond ring he had saved up too. He saw a tear fall down Will's eye as he breathed again.
"Yes! Yes! I-I-..." Will started crying.

Mike stood up, closing the box. He hugged Will tightly as he sobbed into Mike's shoulder. But it was a happy cry. And a different voice could be heard only meters away.

Will and Mike looked over to almost every last one of their friends shouting and yelling. All happy screams. Dustin and Lucas being the loudest, Jonathan with a big camera recording everything, El and Max jumping up and down both crying. And Joyce hugging Hopper tightly as Nancy walked up to Mike and Will. She was the first to hug them as all the rest joined in. Will still sobbing of joy. Yes, all of this was a part of Mike's awesome plan.

"You should put the ring on before you forget" Lucas laughed as he held an arm around Mike.
They were all just around the tree, talking happily about everything. Mike smiled as he took out the ring and grabbed Will's hand. Accidentally putting it on the wrong finger before putting it on the right one.
"You're such a dork" Will said as he kissed him, El and Max dying as they fan girdled over the now engaged couple.

This was legit 1111 words without these words
Art cred: noodles_and_tea
Word count: 1125

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