=| City Boy's |=

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Kinda modern au but also coffee shop au lmao
Art cred: noodles_and_tea

Will walked into the small shop being blasted with the smell of coffee. He liked coffee, yes but not this much coffee. It was to much. He looked up to the counter. His eyes meeting a  pair of brown ones just like his, or maybe darker. He could feel the blush creep onto his face. The boy smirked at him. Sending a shiver up Will's spine.

"What can I get you?"
"Uhm, a Small Caramel frappuccino?"
"Alright, and for you?" The boy's eyes moved down to Will's sister, El.
"Medium Mocha latte, please!"
"Okay, and names?"
"El!" El said just like normal.
"Uhm, Will"

The raven haired boy nodded and turned his head. His name tag read Micheal. Will was melting even at the thought of his name. They sat and waited for their drinks to be ready as El was rambling on about her girlfriend, Max. She was supposed to come for our day out but sadly couldn't make it. Max was Will's best friend along with his sister. He had been with her when she had been crushing on El and when El also was crushing on her. It was truly very funny to watch. But now Will's eyes were set on the tall boy making their coffee.

"Earth to William? Hello? Will!"
"Huh? What? Oh- sorry just got distracted"
El turned her head to look at what Will had been staring at and lit up when she saw the barista they had talked to.
"Oh my god, you like him!" El squealed.
"Shush! Don't be loud!"

"Medium Mocha Latte, for El and a Small Caramel Frappuccino, for Will?" They raven hair called out.
El stood up quickly and grabbed the drinks, handing one of them to Will.
They walked silently out the shop and over to their apartment. It wasn't far from the shop which was nice. Will took a look at the cup and saw a little not attached to it. He got into his living room before reading it.

'Hey, you cute, wanna go out sometime? My number is XXXXXXX - liv from, your coffee shop barista, Mike"

Will almost screamed as his mom stared at him. She didn't know what the note was but her son was almost dying from not breathing. El peeked at the note from over Will's shoulder and saw the name Mike. And she laughed seeing her brother run off to his room. She sat down next to her mom.

"What was that all about?" Joyce asked.
"I think Will just got asked out"

I'm going back to short story's
Word count: 444

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