| Moving In |

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Mike had only recently moved into his new apartment building. He was gonna live there for college and it was his first time sharing a dorm with someone. He was nervous. His dorm mate had been living there for about a week before him and he didn't want to ruin anything. He just wanted to live like he did at home but it seemed like the only dorms available were two person dorms. And it didn't help that his new sexuality was really dawning on him. He had only just found out about his homosexuality and now he was gonna have to live with someone who was a guy. He had heard he was a guy at least.

He dragged his bags up the stairs. There wasn't an elevator in the building and he lived a few floors up. He looked at his wrist again, he had written down what number he had so he wouldn't forget. It was number 33. It was pretty simple but Mike was still afraid of forgetting. He made it two the door and actually dropped his keys.

He was super nervous and trembling. He managed to get the key into the keyhole. He breathed in and out before twisting it around. Not opening the door just yet.
What if the person in there was changing?
He thought to himself. He knocked quickly on the door before opening slowly and peeking in. He looked like he thought there was a monster behind the door. But he was actually met with a boy eating cereal. Holding his bowl up with the spoon in his mouth.

Mike felt his cheeks get ultimately hot. Shit. He already thought he was cute. This was what he had feared. Getting a crush like a silly school boy.

"Hey..." the boy said, his mouth still full of cereal.
"Uhm, hey... I'm your new roommate I guess?" Mike said, mentally slapping himself for being this anti-social.
"That's actually nice, I for sure thought you were like a sports boy or something..."
"Oh, why?" Mike was confused, they had never met.
"Oh, your name just sounded...*hot*... like a sports guy" The boy murmured the three letter word. He already had a massive crush over his new roommate.

He was afraid he was a screamin red colour but he tried to play it as cool as possible. Mike stepped into the small apartment. It was almost only one room. There was a bathroom and kitchen but other than that it was just one room. And that room was the bedroom. Shit. He was gonna have to spend his sleepless nights knowing that a person he liked was laying (almost) next to him?!

"Hey, uh, I know you just like moved in and stuff but you wanna come to this party tonight, it's supposed to be super cool but I have no one to go with" The boy said calmly.
"Y-Yeah sure... I've just never been to a 'real' party" Mike said, thinking he was such a loser.
"Haha, funny, me neither"
"Hey, what's your name... I'm assuming you already know mine"
"Oh, yeah it's Will"

Will... Jesus, that's the cutest name ever. Would he ever like me? No, he isn't a weird fag like you he a cool guy. And he's just your roommate.

Mike started to unpack some things. Chatting with Will a bit. There was already a bed and a desk for him. It wasn't a lot but it was more than a load of other people. He picked out an outfit for the night. Seeing as Will was also getting ready. Mike wore one of his red sweaters. He really had no party wear. But Will was also just wearing a sweater. Even if Will looked way cuter in his sweater. And Will was staring. Mostly at Mike. He thought he was hot, cool, maybe even a little cute. His curly long hair was amazing in Wills eyes.

Somehow they made it to the party without getting lost. Sure Will had lived there but only for a week. And the party was crowded. There were so many people. Mike was towered over a few as his height seemed to give him an advantage. He could see. But Will could not. Will was in the thick of it. Bumping into people, being face to face with a bunch of drunk college students. It was truly a nightmare. He saw Mike getting pushed further away from him. Not that someone was pushing him, all the people were just dragging each other away. Mike grabbed Will's hand. Feeling an explosion go off in his stomach. He dragged the boy after him, making it to a corner table we're no one was.

"This is hell," Mike said, leaning against the table. Will leaned next to him.
"Maybe we should just get drinks, we'll be as drunk as them in a minute or so"

They didn't say anything, they just looked at each other and nodded. Both somehow agreed on Will's plan. They had only known each isotherm for half a cat and they already acted like they'd been friends for 5 years.

They made it to the bar. Both grabbing a drink and making it back to the table. Then they went for another round. And another round. You could say they were pretty drunk by then. But neither wanted to dance or do anything. Now they were both just drunk standing in a corner and looking out into the crowd of crazy people. Almost everyone was drunk.

"Le'ss j-just get outta heree" Wills words slurred together.
Ike nodded in agreement. His head was spinning. He knew he wouldn't remember all this by the morning but he still grabbed Will's hand. Putting a firm grip on it. Will just stared at the wobbly boy dragging him out from the party.

After about half an hour they made it back to the dorm. Mike fumbling with the keys but this time for a different reason. He opened the door, letting the smaller boy inside before closing it behind him. He looked at the boy. He was standing in the middle of the room. Stretching. His sweater lifted a little and revealed his stomach. Mikes eyes were heavily mesmerized by it. And something flew into him. A sudden feeling to just do.

He grabbed Will from behind. Mike,Throwing him onto his bed. There was a light gasp from the boy as Mike climbed over him. Leaning down against his face before stopping.
"Thiss okay?" His words were also slurred.
"Y-yes, ju'sst, pl-ease!"

Will's voice was shaky. He didn't know what to do. A cute and hot curly, black haired boy was sitting over him, inches away from his face. And he couldn't ask for anymore. He grabbed the back of the taller boy's neck, knowing full well he would regret ever kissing him. He pressed their lips together. His eyes closed at the wonderful touch.

Mike was on cloud nine. He knew full well, as well, that he shouldn't do this on his first day with his roommate. But he was just too hot for Mike's lustful brain. Their kiss easily turned sloppy, Mike lips drifting off Wills and down to his neck. He pressed small kisses into the boy's neck. Sucking into the skin. Definitely leaving a mark. A red-ish bruise from how hard he was biting down. He felt a hand in his hair. And it was Will. Playing with the soft hair of the raven haired boy. He enjoyed the kisses. Mike is now laying on top of him. But he had to bite his lower lips to not make so much noise.

Will threw his head back onto the pillow as Mike stopped. He was genuinely sleepy now. The alcohol starting to leave his system. And Mike was feeling the same. His head still being massaged by the shorter boy. He laid his head down on his chest. Cuddling up close to him. They said snitching as they drifted off to sleep.

Psst! Do you guys know who I'm gonna give art credit too? That's right? It's—
Word count: 1366

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