Late hours p3

952 17 5

Lol here we go again, hopefully you remember the last parts
Art cred: (honestly it's the same every time) noodles_and_tea

Steve pulled out of Dustin's driveway with all of the kids in the car. Even if it was illegal to cram that many people into a car, they did it. And it worked. Robin in the front with Dustin crammed in by her legs. Max with El sitting in her lap. Lucas awkwardly in the middle and Mike with Will in his lap. Mike being the new kid was already getting a few worrying looks. Maybe because he looked like he was about to die with the cute brunette on top of him but he still worried. But with Will secretly holding his hand,he felt calmer.

"So, you work at Family video?" Lucas questioned the new boy.
"Oh, yeah! I needed a summer job, hah.." Mike still hated how awkward he sounded.
"Cool... so what do you like?" Lucas continued.
"I like, movies and d&d-"
"Wait! You like d&d!"
"Plus he likes Will!" Robin interrupted.

Both Will and Mike looked up at the sudden comment.
"Robin!" Steve said, obviously knowing but still pretending.
"Oh, I thought it was the other way around?" Max said.
"Max!" Will almost shouted.
"It's the truth, you were whining about how you kissed and then you didn't talk and now suddenly you're sitting in his lap!" Max said, exposing the short haired boy.
"Wait- you two kissed?" Lucas says.

Will's bones gave up and he slumped into Mike's shoulder. Mike not at all bothered by the boy.
"I think they both like each other," El said.
"So true," Mike said.

Mike's arms landed around the smaller boy's waist. Holding him in place. Will's head on Mike's shoulder. The rest of the party drifting off to talk about something else. Only Lucas asking questions to Mike.
"So, you liked d&d? Right?"
"Oh, yeah, it's fun, I played it a lot when I was a kid"
"Maybe you could play with us, Me, Dustin and Will usually play"
"Yeah that be c-COol..."

There was a sudden hitch to Mike's tone as Will silently bit down on Mike's neck. Kissing lightly and definitely leaving a mark.
Mike let Will silently kiss his neck, out of view from the others.
"Well, we're happy to have a new member at least?" Dustin said.
"Although I would love to trade places with someone!" He continued.
"Sorry dude, we're almost there though" Steve said, turning the car into his driveway.

There were no other cars there. Thankfully. His parents were away on a business trip. That's what he accepted as the rich kid. His parents were barely home but that made his house free for most activities. He got out of the car and helped the other kids get out from their crammed spots. Especially helping Dustin.
Will was still very much broken from being exposed. Which made Mike even more red in the face, as he had to bring the boy through the front door. Helping him to walk. He placed him down on the couch and walked around for a bit. The house was big. Not a lot bigger than his but still very big.

Everyone got their own bowl of popcorn and a few blankets they could share. Steve and Robin were forced to share one as Lucas and Dustin would argue over who had the most of theirs. Max and El, sharing their blanket and, of course, Will and Mike. Both of the couples secretly holding hands under the blankets as the movie started.

Everyone was snuggled up to each other as a jump scare hit the screen. Scaring the life out of an already scared Will. Will jumped and planted his face straight into Mike's chest. Mike hugged him, feeling the butterflies flutter inside him.

"Sorry..." Will mumbled picking his head up from Mike's chest.
"Hey, it's okay" Mike said, holding Will's face up to look at him.
They both looked each other in the eyes. Staring deeply into them. Before another jump scare played and they both flinched. Wrapping their arms around the other boy. Will put his face into Mike's chest, hearing his rapid heartbeat once again. And Mike shoving his face into the smaller boy's flower smelling hair.
The movie ended shortly after and Will was asleep on Mike. Hugging him tightly. Robin got up and stretched her arms, looking down at all the kids. Mike was the only one awake, other than Max.

"Hey, Mike!" She whispered, seeing him awake.
"Oh- yeah?"
"If you do anything, and I mean ANYTHING, to hurt him, I will break your nose"
Mike was shocked but knew he could never do anything to hurt Will.
"I wish I was a child again..." Robin said, sitting back down.

The next morning, Will woke up in the arms of the taller boy. Still on the couch in Steve "the hair" Harrington's house. He was basically a mom, even if he didn't admit it. He was. He was the babysitter.
Will got up trying not to wake up the others. He got out into the kitchen to grab a snack when he heard a noise after him. Mike turned the corner to look at Will. Will, who seemed happy to see him, went back to rummaging for food. Mike walked up behind the boy and wrapped his arms around his waist. Swinging slightly from side to side.

"I think you gave me a hickey yesterday..." Mike said, still half asleep.
"Did I? When?"
"In the car...payback..." Mike said, nippling at the back of Will's neck.
"Okay, we could just... actually kiss"

Mike turned Will to face him at the request. He leaned down and kissed the brunette straight on the lips. Giving him no time to retreat. Will kissed the raven haired boy back. Putting his hands in his hair and tangling his fingers in his curls.

"Ew, get a room" Max said, stumbling into the kitchen.
"Weren't you the one who was sitting cuddling up to El last night..." Mike teased.
"I could changed the deal to where I just get to break your nose"
"Really? You guys already enemies" Will scoffed.
"Only if I'm allowed~" Mike said, snuggling his face in the crook of Will's neck.
"Still, get a room" Max said, leaving the kitchen with a glass of juice.
Will gave Mike one last kiss before grabbing a glass of juice and walking back to the living room.

Yay another part
Word count: 1086

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