| The Swings |

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Will was just stressed. Everything had happened so fast. Only a few days ago was he in California wondering if Mike was gonna like his painting. Now the painting was El's and Will was walking around in Hawkins. The town he used to live in. Much had changed. Which scared him a little. He was used to the graffiti but there were so many new buildings and restaurants he knew nothing about. The whole fight of Hawkins was over. But he was still being ignored as usual. It was nothing new. He should have been used to this by now.

Max was the only one who would care as much as Mike did back in the day. But Max was at the hospital. It wasn't a major injury. It was a broken leg and a broken arm. And worse vision. All because of that Vecna creep. He hated that he had once been on his side. Not by his will but he was forced to his side. And there was still that part of him...Everything with the mind flayer was a nightmare only remembered by him it seemed like. If only Mike would care.

He walked over to their old school. Or kindergarten. It was completely empty and overgrown. They had given up on that building. Will walked around the back to where he used to spend hours as a kid. Hours with Mike. He walked over to the swing set. The same swing set he had met Mike on. He sat on his side, the empty swing being Mike's.

Why'd di El have to come along? She ruined their friendship. She ruined everything they had done together. Mike only wanted to hang out with his sister... his sister. It was like a curse. Whatever Will did in his house he would hear Mike with El. Would see him at dinner. Would watch movies with them. He wanted to scream. He wanted to shout. He wanted to hit something. He-

His thoughts were interrupted by a drip of blood landing on his knee.
Shit shit shit
He thought as he ran over to one of the old windows of the building. And there it was. The veins on his neck going black and his nose dripping with blood. And his neck. His neck aching in pain.
Why does it come when he's angry?

"Will? Are you okay? What is happening?" It was a familiar voice. It was Mike...
What is he doing here? Shit he knows now!
Will turned around to be faced with Mike's concerned face.

"N-Nothings happening? What? Hehe... what are you talking about?"
"Will I can fucking see it..." Mike walked closer to Will. He pulled Will's shirt collar down a little to reveal more of his black veins. Mike couldn't know... why had he come just now!

"Mike, it's honestly fine! It's always been like-"
"Always!? You never told us?! What's happening?! Is the mind flayer still in you-"
"Mike! I'm fine! Ever since the mind flayer left me it's been like this!"

Will's voice was harsh. Louder than normal. But he didn't mean for it to come out that way. He was just upset. If that wasn't noticeable by his neck. It burned in pain. Will had really not missed that feeling at all. He hated the burning soars the mind flayer would make him feel.

"Will... it's spreading... WE NEED TO GET YOU BACK! What if you're about to get taken over again?! What are we gonna do?! The upside down stuff is gone?!"

"SHUT UP!" Will closed his eyes. He was tired of Mike wailing. He was fine. Mike didn't need to worry.

But Mike also did need to worry. Because Will's scream had been distorted. Just like El had described Vecna's voice. And everything around him had fallen down in a crash. The old swing set was broken on the floor. And the windows were blown up. Shards of glass falling everywhere around them.

Will opens his eyes, ready to shout at Mike but everything was broken. The windows, the swing set, and even the playground. Did he do that? Did he just break... everything... With his thoughts alone? A single drop of blood confirming his suspicion. Mike looked terrified.

"Mike what happened-" it was Nancy. Mike had come after Will with Nancy.
She stared at Will. And also at the whole playground. And they stood there. Staring at each other. Mike slowly moved closer to Nancy so as to not step on the glass.

"M-Mike..." Will trembled. He was scared of himself.
"What... how? YOU HAVE POWERS! YOU DIDN'T TELL US?!" Mike blew up, he was scared, mad and sad.
"M-Mike I d-don't know! I've never DONE THIS BEFORE!" Will also shouted. He was equally as mad as Mike.
"Both of you stop shouting! Your only gonna make this worse!" Nancy yelled, her voice not as loud as the two boys. But it was definitely strict. And neither boys shouted afterwards.

"Will we're taking you back no buts, somethings wrong and we need to figure it out now... now!" He started running towards the car. The two boys following.

The car ride was slow and quiet. Will was sat scratching at his neck. He was breathing heavily. But Mike didn't look at him. Didn't say anything. They sat in silence both still mad at each other.

"Guys we have an emergency..." Mike said duly to the walkie talkie.
"-what type?-" it was Dustin who answered.
"It's Will, we need some help"
Mike was talking about him like he wasn't sitting right next to him.
"-what's happened?-" this time Lucas answered.
"It's a code red okay! Now hurry to Hopper's cabin!" Mike said.

The entire gang muttered little 'coming soon' and 'alrights' after Mike put the walkie down.

Wooooooo! Part two is up now lmao
Word count: 982

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