Let me love you until you learn to love yourself

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As the couple returned downstairs again they walked in the living room, hands intertwined. Their friends and family staring perplexed and then exchanging happy glances.

'Calamar! Your brother just invited me and Lando for a sleepover at his room!' The Frenchman chirped in excitedly. 'So because of the size room you two stay in yours?' Pierre proposed. Knowing exactly what he was doing.

Charles and Max smiled at each other, of course they were alright with that.
Even though Charles had asked Max to stay, it did ease his mind to have a cover for Max leaving his mothers house in the morning.

Together with them they watched another movie, though Charles didn't see much of it. When Max had put his arm around him he had dozed of on Max's chest. Being lulled asleep by the dutchman heartbeat and warmth.

As the end titles were rolling down the screen, Max whispered. 'Let's get you upstairs' they got ready for bed before they fell in to a peaceful slumber.

The next morning Max woke up early, hearing the birds chirping outside the bedroom window. As he glanced sideways it was still dusk outside, the sun not yet fully risen but the hue of golden and yellow started to paint the Monaco sky.

Max turned a little so he could have a look at Charles. The monegasque was slightly snoring cuddled up in the blankets and Max just adored the sight of it's beauty in front of him. He knew this time Charles would stay. There still was a road to recovery, he couldn't even blame him for needing time. But yesterday they did agree on some professional help. Not wanting to loose any more precious time together though the first step was now set.

As he caressed his thumb over the back of Charles's hand he thought back about yesterday night. 'Let it hurt tonight and let us love tomorrow' and he meant it, every word , every syllable. So he was gonna show the monegasque just that. He was determined to make him smile.

For another 30 minutes he changed from dozing of a little himself and watching the steady rise and fall from his boyfriend's chest. He just didn't want to wake him up while he looked so peaceful. So he just cuddled him close.

Only a little while later the monegasque's eyes fluttered open and close. Slowly waking up as he yawned.
'Hi' Charles smiled sleepy at the dutchman as he turned on his side mirroring Max's position.
'Hey' Max smiled back at him. 'Sleep well?'
Charles just nodded as he hummed.
In response he kisses him on his nose and lays his hands on his that have a firm grip on the white sheets.

Max takes another look at him, his brown locks look disheveled sticking in to every direction possible, a couple of strands sticking against his head almost touching his eyes. Looking at him the gold and green enchanting him. The soft Color of his olive skin the prefect canvas for the little freckles and birthmark's on his face. God your gorgeous Max thinks, as he said just so. A rosy colour popping on the monegasque's cheeks.

He still doesn't say a word, his face is half hidden behind the blanket as his eyes scan Max's from left to right. The golden and green changing colour with every movement. Max scoots closer as their noses touch. 'I love you... so much' he say's out of breath as he caresses his hand over the bare skin of his lover Just his fingertips ghosting over leaving a trail of goosebumps on its way.

He feels Charles muscles tighten under his fingers as he watches him grip the sheets imperceptibly. As their eyes meet again he can see the monegasque's are glossing over and all Max want's to do his hold him tight.
'Hey hey liefje, don't cry!... what's wrong?' He tries to soothe him as he now lays his hand on his shoulder rubbing circles with his thumb.

A sniffle escapes the slightly younger one. 'It's just I feel like I don't deserve this.... I-I don't deserve you..' he sighs. 'I —' he starts but he is cut of by the Dutchman's lips on his. It isn't forceful but just enough. Max had read it in his eyes. Charles has felt like and still feels like he isn't enough, not his body, nor his skin or personality like he wasn't worth it. But to Max he was worth it and so much more.

Wildest dreams || Charles Leclerc x Max Verstappen (lestappen)Where stories live. Discover now