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Max couldn't remember how he got home. One moment he was standing on the hill staring in to the distance, a space where Charles once was before. And now he was seated on his living room floor his legs tucked in front of him not able to stop his tears.

He only remembered opening the door to their apartment, a idle hope he would find Charles there. Obviously he wasn't anymore though he noticed he had been there before him. Almost everything was as it was, like nothing had Changed. The only things he saw that were missing right away were three Photo frames. A picture of Charles with his dad, with Jules and one of them, a simple but cute selfie they took on a Sunday morning spent late in bed. And Charles racing bag was gone. Everything else in the apartment remained the same.

As Max noticed what was missing he realized Charles was really gone as he sunk down against the wall on the ground. Not being able to stand as the nausea took over as he let his tears fall.

He didn't know how long he had sat there until he was startled out of his thought as his phone buzzed in his pocket as he glanced up to the clock on the wall. 05.12 a.m. what meant he had sat on the floor the entire night. His muscles would highly likely regret that ,but honestly now he couldn't care less. He did not feel the pain. He only felt numb.

He picked up his phone out of his pocket. It was a text from Brad, he would be at his place 20 minutes later. 'Ugh, just my luck' he grumbled into the empty space. As he stood up he wiped away the tears from his face and took a deep breath. Even though he rather wanted to lay in his bed to never get out of it again he decided against it, he wasn't ready to tell anybody about what just happend, maybe Charles would come back to him soon and than this was all for nothing, or was his mind consumed with grief telling him so?

Also they would fly out to Austria tomorrow and he knew there just was no time to postpone this session.  God right now he really hated his job. He just had to get through this day, then he could lay down. At least for a little while. So Max managed to make his way into the shower and got himself kind off decent when Brad arrived.

He had been seated in his gym clothes on one off the barstools in the kitchen, sipping on a Red bull when his performance coach entered his apartment.

'Woah what happened to you?' He had asked immediately as he entered.
'What?' Max asked as he thought to himself, is it that obvious?
'Max, you're already ready, that never happens when I get here and you know it' Brad told him jokingly.
'Yeah well you were late' Max replied as he plastered on a fake smile that didn't quite reached his eyes. But for now it was convincing enough for his performance coach.

Brad started telling him about the workout he had plannend for today, they would start with a run to get their heart rate up and to get warm and then they would do weights and Neck training. Then they would lunch and to finish the day they would do some boxing.

'Does that sound alright?' Brad asked.
'Yeah sure' Max had dimly replied he had honestly hoped just to get this day over with as fast as possible.

Their run went okay, though Max hadn't complied as Brad had told them they would run on the hiking trail up the hill. Instead he conveniently run past that trail for obvious reasons. Only pretending to hear his performance coach again when he catches up with him far enough away from the trail.

''Earth to Max?' He said as he was running next to the dutchman.
'Oh sorry, I was lost in thought' he lied as they kept running.

They were now back at his apartment and had done the weight and neck training and had just finished lunch. Max had tried his hardest to keep his mind at the conversation with Brad and to participate. His mind kept wondering to what happened, it was all so blurry? Did he miss the signs? Shouldn't he have noticed if Charles wasn't happy? Did he do something wrong? It just was all so sudden and unexpected.

'Hey Max everything alright?'
'Yeah sure why?' He lied.
'You seem , I don't know, out of it?' Brad stated. Max only looked at him a blank expression on his face.
'You zoned out during our run, and just now in our conversation again, also you haven't eaten almost anything?' He asked unsure.
'I'm fine just a little stomach bug' Max lied again with a fake smile.
'Nothing to worry about mate!'
'If you say so, you know you can tell me if there is right?'
'Yeah sure do, but don't worry mate really!' He tried to convince his coach to drop the subject. Brad did complie, knowing the dutchman he was stubborn. He would tell him what's wrong eventually.

'Come on Max, give me a bit more!' Brad told Max as he was punching the boxing cushions that Brad held.
Max tried to do just that as he started to punch and punch and punch again. Though his swings became more uncoordinated by every swing.

'Come on Max, is this all you got?' Brad pushed him a bit more. In the first place because of Max's training but also to let him relief some stress. Even though Max wouldn't tell him, he knew there was something wrong. And he was responsible for Max's physical but also mental health for the races.

So Max started to push and hit , and push some more, almost knocking Brad over against the wall. 'Easy Max, easy!' Brad tried to calm him down as Max kept pushing and hitting against him, tears forming in his eyes. 'Max? Max?!' He tried to connect with him. Though the dutchman still didn't stop. So he tried to wrap his arms around him, to wrap him in a warm embrace.

Max tried to escape his embrace but Brad wasn't letting go. 'Max, Max easy buddy' Brad tried to calm him down again. Max still tried to escape until he gave in. Tears forming in his eyes before he broke out sobbing on Brad's shoulder. Clutching on to his shirt.   As Max slowly let them sink on to the bench of Max's balcony.

'S-s- Sorry' Max sobbed between his tears.
'Shhh, don't worry buddy, let it go' he tried to comfort him as he patted on his back.
As more tears came flooding from the dutchman.
'B-Brad, I - I just don't understand, I-I miss h-him so'

Wildest dreams || Charles Leclerc x Max Verstappen (lestappen)Where stories live. Discover now