Plans for the new season

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Charles saw Max's eyes widen as he let his phone slowly lower from his ear in to his lap. This worried the monegasque. Seeming Max words during the conversation it went quite well but this made him doubt all of that.

As he grabbed his hands he asked:
'What's wrong? His voice trembling a little. 'H-how did the conversation go what did he say?'

Max started to explain to him about how the conversation went and the nice things his team principal had said.

'But why did you looked so shocked as you hang up, this isn't so bad then , non?' He asked his eyebrows knitted in to a confused frown.

'Well... he knows it's you' Max looked up at him with apologetic eyes.
'I'm - I'm so sorry Charles! If I didn't send that text so hasty and just checked that you got it this al wouldn't have happend, and and, I wouldn't, I wouldn't have exposed you. I'm just so sorry...' he said as he looked down at his hands again.

Charles let out a sigh, of course he wasn't happy to be outed unplanned, but he was at least just as much to blame, he barged in to Max's work room while they said their workrooms were practically off limits. So he told Max just that as he lifted up his chin.

'Your not mad at me?' He asked for the second time this evening.
Charles smiled slightly at him. 'No of course not you dummy, still a bit scared yes but that has nothing to do with you!' He said as he kissed him.

'Good' Max kissed him back.
'I really think he is okay with it and you don't need to worry about him telling.' Max then stated. His teamboss could often make some witty comments and he liked to stir the pot a little. Rilling people up was in his nature, but Max knew Christian was a good man at heart. The conversation they just had only proved this to him. So that is exactly what he told his boyfriend as he connected their lips again and their kiss quickly heated.

'Though I still like to make it up to you' he said as he started to kiss a trail against his boyfriend's jaw.
And even though Charles wasn't mad at Max at all , Max definitely made it up to him that night.

The Next morning Charles was pacing nervously around their living room. Max , even though he also was still a bit nervous, knew that Christian was okay. But of course he knew him better then his Boyfriend so he got were his nerves were coming from. Also he was curious what would happen now.

He was trying to calm the monegasque down as the doorbell rang. Charles stayed in the kitchen pretending to bussy himself as Max went to open the door.

'Hi Christian' he greeted his teamboss shyly rubbing his neck. But Christian was having non of it and hugged Max friendly like always did a a greeting.

'Hi Max' he said as he he pulled back and hang is coat on the coatrack. 'So is Charles working or is he also home?' His teamboss asked with a smile on his face.

'N-no, he's here, he is home' he replied blushing a little. 'He's in the kitchen' he said as he turned to walk in that direction.

'Oh, great!' Christian happily replied.

Charles hadn't stopped pacing around the kitchen as Max went to open the door, he was so nervous. Christian was the teamboss of the rivalling team after all. Would he use this against him? Would he tell Mattia and the team? But then he thought, though Christian was relentless when it came to winning in f1, he wouldn't hurt Max. The Man really loved Max as his own son, Charles really did believe that. Charles was so caught up in his own head that he hadn't noticed Max and Christian coming in to the kitchen.

'Hey Charles!' The English man greeted him as he held out his hand to the monegasque.
'Uhm, hi' he replied nervously a blush creeping on his cheeks.

The pair was staring a bit awkwardly , not really knowing what to say. Christian could imagine how they felt so he decided to clear the awkwardness.
'So how about we take a Redbull and just chat a bit? How does that sound?' As he smirked to himself. 'Or aren't you allowed to drink a Redbull?' He said as he looked towards Charles'

Charles now smiled as well. 'In private it's okay as long as you don't take pictures it's okay' he joked back.

'Okay then Redbull and biscuit's it it' Max said as he went to grab three Redbulls and the cookies as they went to sit on the couch.

They chatted a bit, beating around the bush for a while until the conversation turned to the elephant in the room. While Christian only seemed interested and excited for the couple. They gradually let loose and started telling about how they saw things and what they would like. Obviously emphasising they didn't want others to know, at least not now. And that if he could keep it hidden from Mattia and Ferrari, that would be great.

Though Christian told them he didn't expect any problems with Redbulls employees or sponsors if they were ever to come out. Having a no nonsense policy in place. He did ask them to inform him if and when they would. So they could manage the media storm and possible legal issues that may occur as they, as of now still races in countries were their sexuality might not be allowed.

The couple could only appreciate what Christian was doing for them so they were quick to agree.

After that Christian was mostly curious about how and when they got together, for how long and who actually knew. Like almost everyone, also Christian was shocked about how long the couple was already together. But even more so at how they kept it a secret for so long. Also he was a bit surprised about Jos knowing And being okay with it, though he decided to not further dive in to that since they didn't tell him the whole story.

After some fun and easy banter it was time for Christian and Max to go to their meeting in the city.
As they walked towards the door Christian told them we're the meeting would be about.

'So Charles this is confidential, but we will be racing again soon, the FIA will make a statement to the teams tomorrow' the English man said excitedly.

The couple got excited at that. They loved the time they had together lately but they were hungry to race again.

Charles wondered why Christian already knew and told them. But Ferrari probably already knew, they had just their own traditional ways to go about things.

As they were ready to head out Charles and Max awkwardly waved the other goodbye.

'Come on boys, don't tell me this is how you say your partner goodbye, you don't have to hold back for me' Christian winked cheekily at the pair.

The pair turned red like Charles's Ferrari in unison. As they looked at each other they exchanged a goodbye kiss and mumbled their goodbyes slightly embarrassed. Not really used to displaying affection in front of someone from their teams.

'Well I hope you get at it more when your alone' the English man joked.

'CHRISTIAN! You embarrassing me' Max now facepalmed himself face red far beyond his ears.

Christian only laughed.
'That's what I'm your team principal for Verstappen' he said as he stook out his tongue at them. 'That's my job, I get payed for that'

If you didn't know, you wouldn't say this was a boss and his employee. But Charles guessed the people at Redbull were just like this. One big family, extremely focused on winning and being the best, working hard towards their goals, but definitely not without fun. He could only be grateful Max had a team like this. His boyfriend had endured enough as it was.

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