Thank You

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It's Ryan and I want to thank you for reading Touch. When I first wrote it I was hardly past season 2 of Daredevil. So when I was probably at chapter 8 I was like "damn this sucks💀" and tried to make it more of an original story.

I want to end the story this way because, honestly if I wrote the actual ending for it it would most likely be really depressing.

Sure, you don't know if Frank will come back or if Alice will be taken by the FBI. But that's how it would've ended. So just take Alice and Matt at peace, finally together, forever? No. But for now.

Ily all and thank you so much for interacting and reading Touch. Look forward to more Matt Murdock stories and also TWD and Marvel ones as well. I've been feeling like making a Winter Soldier one, so maybe that'll happen too.

Thank you sm and Sincerely,
                  Ryan AKA Little King.

(I'm a girl I promise my mom was just a tad little weird w my name)

Touch - Matt MurdockDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora