Part Seventeen

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Everyone Is Dumb
TW: violence, gore, emotional

"Swing at me." Frank frowned. His hands cupped together in a fist behind his back. Alice frowned. Sweating, panting. He was a good teacher, but maybe too good. She felt like she was going to collapse. "I said swing at me god damn it!"

She does her best and swings with her fist, he feet stumbling under her in exhaustion. Frank easily shoving her down as she groaned, the grass from the forest digging into her elbows as she slowly got to her knees as Frank bursted into a mocking chuckle. She stuck her tongue out to him. "You know, you won't last five minutes with her." He crossed his arms. "Now get on your fuckin feet."

She stood, slightly wobbly. Her hair covering her sweat covered face. She put her fists up. "Now try and hit me. Once you do, the training is over. Got it?"

She smiled, "Will you fight back?"
Frank scoffed. "No." Obvious lie. He planned to fight carefully, if not hardly at all.

She prepped herself, her healing didn't kick in for fatigue. If it did she'd be practically unstoppable. She popped her fingers. Thinking about Elektra killing Matt pumped adrenaline through her veins as she swung. Frank ducks, swinging a fist and hitting her in her back as she tumbled to the ground. Catching herself back on her feet and running at him, first, Frank said to expect the unexpected. Especially from Elektra. He'd seen her fight. Hell she was unexpected with every move. So Alice wrote that down in bold in her head. Burning it to her eyelids as she pretends to go for a knee in the groin. Frank unmoving as she thought she really got him that time. Throwing her elbow to hit him in the face, he throws his palm into her head and ducks under her elbow. Easily maneuvering out of the way of her incoming blow and knocking her to her arse.

Alice flopped to the ground with a thump. A wince leaves her throat. Frank unmoving, stares at her. Waiting for her to get back up.

"There was so many moments in this moment for Elektra to kill you. You need to get your ass up!" He snapped at her, "Stop whining like a damn baby!"

"Fuck you!" She spat as him, dragging her exposed fingers against the ground and picking up the dirt, grass, and nuts in one fist and throwing it in his eyes. He stumbled back. Cussing as she stands and quickly squats down in a slick motion whilst slams a fist into his gut. Buckling him over and earning a loud grunt and a garbled cough. She slams her palm into his head and kicks his knee. Buckling his legs. His body falling into the ground as she stumbled backward, loud wheezing and laughing from her lips.

"God damn it!" Frank cussed. Coughing and holding his ribs. "... You don't win! But I'm done!"

"... done with what?" Alice laughed, breathless."Aw is the old man done trying to stop me from hurting him? Is he a big baby?" Alice pouts, cockily making a crying motion with her fists to her cheeks. Frank slowly gets to his feet, pulling a fist back. He was furious, and not in a joking way. Making eye contact with Alice as she reacted. Just like he taught her. She slaps his fist from her face. Twisting it behind her and using her elbow to the back of his neck a pained grunt from his mouth and a small smile on his lips. He was proud, like someone's dad. Hell, he knew she'd have little to no fighting chance. But he felt that he made her feel good about it, in a tragic way he shouldn't have. But just that little hope in her mind is all she needs.

She felt alive again, laughing for real. Laughing and smiling like she hasn't in a long time. Frank made her laugh, the man who killed her, and redeemed himself. She knew he only did this because of Matt, but even the thought of him sacrifickng his time for her was ethereal. It wasn't a dream, it was reality. And this man was now an ally in her eyes. Her smile soon dropped, her hands tight to her sides. Her arms filled with goosebumps. Her body tensed as she became faint. Frank noticed the paleness to her cheeks, tilting his head confused.

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