Part Thirteen

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The Calm Before
TW: trauma, bad writing

"Father. I uh, I've come to seek redemption."

She's never done this in her life. It's been three weeks since Matt passed. She was found not guilty and BlackBird was being taken down and investigated along with Harry, but turns out there's multiple outposts in different parts of America. But she was suppose to be in jail for her murders. She knew she was guilty of them but didn't have the stomach to go. Any day she can turn herself in, but now, she doesn't want too.

"Redemption? This is confession, child. Tell me of your sins." The priest spoke softly, calmly. He wasn't angry or impatient. She found comfort in that.

She played with her recently cut hair. Having done this made it harder for FBI to find her, same with Elektra. But even then she missed the length. It was roughly to her jawline in a bob. A little longer. It was jet black, curly and fluffy, didn't look too bad in her opinion. "... I've run from my mistakes, father. And I've lost someone I care so much about, now I have nothing left." She felt emotions in her chest but pushed them from her mind. Fidgeting with the ends of her shirt.

"People you love aren't always gone, child." He spoke, "They are always with us."
"Father, I'm not religious." She spoke quickly, "Not to disrespect you."

"That's perfectly fine." He sighed, "Anyone can walk into our church and confess."

She took a shaky breath. "I've hurt people, and I didn't mean too at first. But I did and now I'm running, I feel so broken. The grief and the anger I just... they all mix together. I've hurt more people and now I don't know how to stop hurting people without him." She bit her lip, her hands trembling as she raised one shaky hand to gently touch the scar on her eye. Remembering Frank. Wondering where he was now.

"Why are you hurting people, child?" He asked calmly. Alice folded her hands in her lap, her hood over her head and her short hair falling in her face.
"... I want closure." She grumbled.
"Closure? For what?" He pressed slowly on the wound that won't heal in her heart. She bit her lip again to stop from crying. She took a deep shaky breath. "Someone murdered my boyfriend, so I plan on finding them and ending them. It won't be easy, the person is very experienced and will probably kill me. But I think it's a win-win." She leaned back in the booth, her head resting on old wood. Her hands slowly relaxed from fidgeting, she found comfort in telling someone who legally wasn't suppose to tell. Right?

"Do... Do you want to die?" The priest asked quietly, "I know it's invasive, you don't need to respond to that. This is simply confession."

She sighed. Nodding. This man didn't know her. "Yeah. I've lost... everything now."

The silence between the two was deafening. She knew she was suppose to confess, but wasn't that just a really long confession in itself? She blinked. Realizing how difficult it would be to take down Elektra, she had no one to train her that were better than The Hand. Sure, that Jessica Jones girl was popular but there was no point in asking.

"Who is your boyfriend, child." He questioned softly. Not trying to prod.
"... His name was uh..." she didn't want to respond to that, "You promise you won't say a word, father?"

"I do promise. It's you, not me." The truth behind that was just below Alice's feet.

Matt was being taken care of under the floor like he was a few years back after being crushed. Matts injuries he endured barely a month ago were more than serious. He was dead for 12 minutes, not breathing, but by a miracle that Maggie believed was from God his heart started again. Foggy brought Matt to the church as soon as he had him hidden from the ambulance, he didn't know what to do with Matt. And the fact he probably would never see Alice again.

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