Part Seven

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TW: gore, violence, intimacy

"Wake up sunshine, it's a new day so let's move."

She sat up, rubbing her eyes as Matt shoved some of the small shampoo bottles and soap into a forgotten old duffel bag from the closet. He seemed even worse than yesterday, he could hardly walk straight without hiding a groan or bending over without a sharp inhale of pain. The pain killers only did so much for him, but he kept pushing himself too far with every push and pull. "Where are we going?" She stood, her long black wavy hair stuck to her face with grogginess.

"Just outside of Hells Kitchen. Don't worry, it's not scary." Frank teased, seeming even more irritated and out of it than yesterday. The time was six am. Less than four hours ago he pointed a rifle at her head, she couldn't forget that, but she understood why he did it. The lingering irritation he had for her was also understandable, but the teasing and sass? Not really.

Frank walks out to the van, tossing his gun and some complimentary waters in the back. Alice pulled her hair back into a bun, wincing at the soreness of her black eye. Matt turns, hearing her lungs inhale sharply and her heart skip a beat as she gently brushed her fingers over her brow bone. "You okay?" He turns towards her, the duffel bag hanging off his fingers to help not have it on his shoulder and make his pain even worse. She paused, snickering. "I should ask the same for you, blind boy." She smirked, gently grabbing his opposite bicep and taking the bag from him. He exhaled secretly hoping she would take it from him. "You okay?" She asked sincerely, her hand lingering on his arm as he nodded reluctantly. "Yeah, yeah I'll be fine." He brushed her off, limping towards the door.

"You need medical attention, professional attention." She whispered as Frank jumped in the front seat. Starting the van as the hotel door closed behind them, Matt sighed at the comment. "Frank is the best we have around. I'm just sore, I'll be fine." Matt grumbles, "Don't worry about me."

"How can I not knowing now that your Daredevil and the reason you have bruises all over you and wounds is because of me? I may not be your friend but I was two days ago, let me worry at least a little bit." She grabs his arm, stopping him from walking off as Frank played the radio loudly. Singing along to it obnoxiously. Matt was taken aback by her comment, that seemed genuine enough right? He stammered for next his words, unsure of how to tell her everything or if he even should.

"Come on Catholic boy I'm not waiting all day for you to dance with the devil!" Frank honked the horn. "We need to head back!"

The two didn't respond as Matt limps towards the front seat. Turning, "Thanks, Alice. For the concern." He nodded to her. She smiled back at him sadly, knowing she messed up. But what control did she have? She didn't tell Foggy because if she did Harry would've been pissed. But even then, she didn't want to tell someone she murdered innocent people for all she knew.

Matt noticed how she appeared in deep thought, gnawing on his lip as he jumped in the front and closing the door. She climbs in the back not too soon after Frank threw another threat, closing the door behind her as she hears Frank sings along to the random oldie playing.

Alice was ignoring his on purpose off key belting as Matt tried to talk to him. Asking him why they were going back to Hells Kitchen.

"Harry is set in Hells Kitchen, he's got a trafficking ring there, I was there and I heard what he did and she did. We hit there first, get information, get out." Frank explained, the music playing loud enough to where it was slightly muffled to Alice. She struggled to listen in as they continued their plans.

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