Part Fourteen

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The Storm
TW: violence, trauma, (kinda cute ngl)

Alice pulled a large knife from her pocket, her short hair tied back with black makeup smeared on her eyes. She knew that her handmade suit was easily movable and breathable. And she did steal a few things from Matt's apartment— like his black Daredevil long sleeve shirt. It took a good while to come to terms to even accept he wasn't going to be there, and to touch his first Daredevil suit. It was painful to say the least to even put it on (even in it's much larger size to her).

She saw the large warehouse. This was her second one in three days. The first one went smoothly since she was quiet enough to sneak in and kill one guy and move out without being seen. She's been practicing her moves, seeing Matt's she practiced them in the abandoned Fogwell Gym. Punching the punching bag and practicing his kicks. It wasn't enough to even get close to killing Elektra, but it was enough for self defense in her mind.

The warehouse wasn't that big, it was probably three stories. And there were a few black cars there. Two guards outside. And a few people walking in the building. Seems like they got the memo from her kill a few days prior. She got cut up from the young ninjas but she snapped his neck before he could stab her. And it wasn't easy to do either, she doesn't like killing. But she's so angry about Matt's death it's all she thinks about. Killing.

Her hands trembled as she crouched around the building, patrol walking the opposite way as she slowly opens the back door. It creaked, sliding open as the patrol turns his head to the sound. But she was already in the building.

She jumped on one guard that walked in front of her, his back to her. He slams her against the wall, trying to get free from her chokehold as she winced. Coughing as he continued to slam her on the wall as she hung onto him like a monkey. He silently collapsed. Alice carefully laid his body on the ground and pulls him into a broom closet.

<"Did you hear that?">

The sound of Japanese. It was The Hand. They were here just like she assumed, she wasn't sure if she was taking out Blackbird guards that were not found out yet by the FBI or just The Hand. She quietly closed the door, leaning against it as the men walked past. She takes her chance.

She opens the door and quietly stepped down the hall, the men walking down and not paying attention as she turns the corner.

"Shit." She whispered. Two men, holding rifles bumped into her, she slaps against the ground. Groaning as the two hoist her to her feet, one pressing the rifle to her side. About to open his mouth to yell that he had found her as she slams her head into his nose. Causing him to stumble backward as she winced, the other unloading a few bullets into her as she became pumped adrenaline and shock. Crying in pain as she kneed the man in the gut, blood billowing out of her abdomen as she snags the gun from the large man. Shooting him across the throat and unloading into the other man. The two men down the opposite hall run at the sound of the bullets. She throws the unloaded gun, grabbing the other automatic the other man dropped she turns. Laying on her back to mask herself in the two dead bleeding bodies and unloading the magazine in the two. Only hitting on of them as he collapsed. Blood spraying from his throat onto Alice as the other jumped from her bullets and not getting hit as he grabs her by the hair, lifting her head whilst pressing a knife to her neck. About to slice her neck open till she pressed her rifle to his jaw. He gasped, only pulling the blade half an inch against her jugular before her itchy trigger finger unloads five bullets into his head. His body falling on her.

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