He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not-Book 2

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AN: So this is the sequal to my other story Falling In the Path Of A Dixon. I've thought through what I will be doing and you will see a whole new side of Aly. So I really hope ya'll like the start of this sequal!!! Please comment and rate just so I know how much you guys really like it.

Since I left the group about a month or two ago. I've felt more alone then ever. It was hard, I admit, to have to watch all sides of me 24/7. Sleeping was the hardest, I haven't got much and it was obviously showing.

A chime went off as I hurried into the store out of the rain. I pulled a knife out of my holder, curtesy of an abandoned car, as I studied the dark place.

I gasped and crouched down in a hunters stance as I heard shuffling coming from the back. I whistled, in hope that the walker would come out. I smirked as he did. The ugly son of a bitch came speeding out, his skin peeling all over his face and his eyeballs hanging from his sockets. I smirked as I lept at it, causing my knife to sink into its skull. I stabbed him a second time and let it's, double dead body onto the dusty floor. I pulled a flashlight out of my bag and flashed it around the room, nothing but broken shelves and glass.

I sighed and pulled a blanket from my bag and laid it onto the ground. I kicked off my boots and sat on the wool blanket and leaned aginast the wall as I listened to the rain and thunder from outside. I reached into my pack again and grabbed a chocolate chip breakfast bar. I unwrapped the package, tore half of it off, then put the other half back into the wrapper and into the front pocket.

I snuggled into the corner, waiting hopefully that the light will come back soon. After finishing my dinner I laid my head on the hard cement wall and let my eyes closed. Just as I was about to sleep the snarls of walkers made me open my eyes.

I didn't hesitate to tie my boots back on tightly and shoving my blnaket back into my bag. I put my bag over my shoulder, fastened it around my chest before placing my bow over my had and secured around my chest. I peeked out a window, seeing there was about six or seven before taking off into the rain.

I skidded to a stop as about ten to fifteen walkers came from the other end of the street. "Dammit," i whispered to myself.

I grabbed my knife and took out the one's closest but those few were followed by more and those ones followed by even more.

I llimped away from the herd and managed to stop about a mile or two out without a sign of amny walkers. I looked down at my badly twisted ankle and looked around. About an hour or so ago the rain had stopped and the sun was starting to shine again. I sighed to myself as I kept hobbling along the backroad.

When nightfall hit I didn't stop traveling. I limped my way through some tress as I finsihed the last bit of my breakfast bar that I had left from breakfast. As I chewed I moved through twigs and branches as I tried to find a farmhouse or something that would be safe for the night. My legs stopped moving and I moved into a crouch position when I heard mens laughter then someone shushing them.

'Fuck,' I thought as I looked around. Above the bushes in front of me, I could see some type of light. I moved closer and moved through the bushes slowly. Once i got a good look I saw about five or six men, heavily armed, drinking beer ontop of a platform made of wood and tires.

"What in the hell?" I whispered.

"Walkers!" I heard a man yell.

I looked behind me and screamed when i saw the unnoticed Walker almost jump on me. I grabbed my gun and I shot it. I emerged from the bushes, getting scratched in the process, and looked around. I shot down another Walker before taking down a third.

"Are you bit?!" A man from the platform.

"No," I called back, spinning around in different ways to look for more.

I turned when I heard the sound of an opening gate. I turned to see the red gate pushed open enough to let me in.

"Hurry up girly, ain't got all day!" A mexican boy yelled at me.

I ran in and looked around as they shut the gate behind me. "Where the hell am I?" I asked. TBC

AN: Sorry if this chapter is really slow but I promise it will pick up soon. I hope all my fellow readers really enjoy this story like the other one. Please comment to let me know what ya'll think.

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not-Book 2Where stories live. Discover now