37. Promise

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Jihun never stopped his husband. He knew it was Daehyun's duty to protect his country and people and him being his husband should support Daehyun, not be an obstacle.

"You will come back to us, right?" he asked although he knew it was not in Daehyun's hands.

"With my everything, I'll try to come back to you both" he said trying hard to control his tears. But he burst out seeing two pairs of eyes looking at him with tears. He hugged his husband and son in a tight hug. Gaeul hugged his father's stomach tightly while crying. Jihun wrapped his arms around the police officer's neck and caressed his hair.

"Don't cry, honey. I'm proud of you. I know you will come back to us" he said comforting Daehyun who was crying on his shoulders. Even a tough soldier would cry when parting from their beloved ones.

Suddenly they heard a noise outside the house and pulled away. They looked at each other alarmed.

"Lieutenant Min?" they heard a voice call and knew it would be one of their eastern Korean soldiers. Like they assumed, there came an eastern Korea soldier. He was an old acquaintance of Daehyun. He looked at them and then at the dead body of Yoonjun.

"Lieutenant Min" he mumbled walking to his superior slowly.

"I...i-" he was cut off by Daehyun.

"Kim Shin ssi we don't have much time. Where are our back up soldiers?" he asked Kim Shin.

"They would be here in thirty minutes" the man informed as Daehyun nodded.

"Why are you here? Should not you be at the battle field?" Daehyun asked but Kim Shin just looked down.

"I can't die like that. I have a family to take care of" he said hanging his head low.

"Then why did you join the military?" Daehyun asked standing up and pulling his husband and son up too.

"They give a good salary" the man mumbled. Daehyun just sighed.

"Will you do a favor for me?" he asked Kim Shin seriously.

"Anything. You have helped me many times before. I would like to repay you" Kim Shin replied.

"Can you just escort them to the town hall? Please. It is the safest place for now" Daehyun asked sincerely. Kim Shin just gulped while nodding.

"I know it's too much to ask but can you?"

"I will. Don't worry" he said.

"Thank you"

Daehyun turned around to see Jihun.

"Must you go?" his husband finally asked.

"I must" Daehyun said feeling guilty for leaving like this.

"I have to continue what hyung could not" he said with determined eyes. Jihun nodded. None knew whether he would return or not.

"Appa...." Gaeul called him with a shaky voice.

"When you come back, please bring Boona too" the little boy said hugging his leg.


"Promise?" the little boy asked stretching his pinky.

"Promise" Daehyun said and interlinked his pinky with his son's tiny one and picked him up to kiss his cheeks. He then looked at Jihun who nodded. The couple leaned to kiss each other on cheeks one last time before parting their ways.

"Take care. I love you" Jihun said with red eyes.

"I love you more" Daehyun said and took the gun beside Yoonjun. He looked one last time at his family before walking to the foot of the mountain for Mrs Min and Boona and to get the secret from them to protect till the backup soldiers arrived. Even though he was not a military man, he wanted to risk his life for the country as that's what a real soldier would do.

With that he left to find Mrs Min and Boona while Jihun and Gaeul followed Kim Shin to the town hall oblivious to his evil intentions. Jihun held Gaeul'a hands and walked while carefully looking for any enemies. They walked through the remains of some buildings on the way. But suddenly, he heard a helicopter sound and looked up frantically to see the enemies's helicopter above him. He looked at Kim Shin but he was indifferent. Kim Shin took his walkie-talkie and suddenly grabbed Jihun and Gaeul by a single hand. Jihun's eyes wide in horror.

"I got them. Daehyun just left Lieutenant Min's house. You can follow him to find the secret" he said through the microphone.

"You traitor" Jihun wriggled to get out of his grip but it was too strong.

"Let me go, you bastard" he shouted but to no avail. Gaeul began to cry see him mama struggle like that.

"Mama...." Jihun felt blood drain from his face. If he could not escape together with Gaeul, at least he must let his son escape. And with all the strength he had he scratched Kim Shin's hands and the man hissed and released his hand. The father and son began to run but Kim Shin caught Jihun by the hair.

"Ahhh..." he screamed in pain.

"Baby, run away" he shouted trying hard to stop Kim Shin from getting to his son.

"N-no. I'll g-go with m-mama" Gaeul cried loudly.

"Baby, listen. First you must run" Jihun insisted while trying to stop the soldier but his son just shook his head sobbing.

"Don't cry. We will come for you. I promise" Jihun said panting.

"Please run" he shouted.


Jihun nodded and Gaeul clenched his fist before running away. And just after he ran away, many western soldiers came.

"You bitch" a soldier slapped Jihun harshly and he fell onto the ground at the impulse. The handprint was evident on his chubby, now red cheeks. He saw Gaeul running in a distance without catching anyone's eyes and finally pretended to close his eyes so they would not beat him.

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