36. Secret

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"This is so good, mom. Uncle cooks the best food. He also gave me his recipes" Little Boona said mouth full of food.

Jihun chuckled, ruffling her hair. Min Yoonjun brought his family to Daehyun's house and they had gotten close quickly. And it had become a habit of going to each other's houses now. Mrs Min was so friendly and Jihun liked her so much.

"Give me your recipe too" Mrs Min said and Jihun laughed while nodding. They talked about some current war situations and some random things.

"Appa....." Daehyun heard Gaeul call him and turned to look at his son holding a finger up with blood on it and saw it was from his bleeding nose.

"Gaeul.... What happened?" he frantically asked, taking his hankey to wipe his blood. The small boy began to cry at the sight of blood.

"Oh...its blood" Boona looked curiously at him.

"It's nothing, baby" Jihun tried to comfort the crying boy by hugging him.

"Let me see" Mrs Min, who was the military doctor, said coming near Gaeul.

"It's probably the weather but it's quite serious if untreated. I'll go get medicine at the pharmacy" she said standing up and others nodded as she knew better about the medicines. As soon as she opened the door, she saw people running here and there.

"What's the matter?" Yoonjun, who was standing behind her, asked someone.

"They are attacking the residential area too. Bastards. Run for your life" the man said and ran away as soon as possible.

"What the fuck?" Yoongi scrunched his face. Just then they heard some noises.

"What do we do now?" Jihun asked carrying Gaeul in his arms.

"We will go to get his medicine. Hyung, you, Noona and Boona go to the mountain and wait for us at the base" Daehyun said. The medincine was so impotant now as Gaeul's nose won't stop bleeding. Andthe boy was crying.

"But I-" Mrs Min was cut off by Daehyun.

"No, Noona. I will get the right medicine" he said and everyone nodded. With that, they parted their ways and the police officer took Gaeul into his arm's and placed him over his shoulders. As soon as Gaeul paced his head on his father's shoulder, he dozed off due to blood loss. Jihun hooked his arm to his husband's and they walked in between the chaos to the only pharmacy in that place. They walked over a bridge and finally reached the pharmacy. It was about to close. Thankfully, they reached on time. Daehyun got the right medicine and immediately made Gaeul to take it. The couple walked to the mountain base but the Min family weren't there. The couple looked at each other feeling strange.

"Let's go look in their house" Daehyun said as Jihun nodded. They strolled to the Min household. When they were just in front of their own house, Jihun stopped.

"Wait a minute. I don't have a good feeling about this" he said and ran into their house to get an envelope. Itwas nothing but some money if they needed.

"Let's go" he said pulling his husband to Min's house anxiously. But as they were walking forward, their hearts were thumping against their ribcages in fear. The houses were destroyed by bombs and there were many dead bodies on their way. It was a miracle that the bombs did not drop on their neighborhood. When they found Yoonjun's house, they ran to reach the house which was thankfully, only partly ruined. Daehyun held Jihun's hand and they walked in.

"Hyung? Noona? Boona?"

No response.

They progressed further into the house only to find Yoonjun lying there with two bullet shots on his stomach. Daehyun and Jihun's eyes widened as they ran to the man. Jihun took Gaeul from his husband so the police officer can look at Yoonjun properly.

"Hyung....hyung. Please wake up" he patted the military officer's face continuously. Only after some time, a pained groan escaped Yoonjun's mouth. Jihun searched for water but they had no water in that blemished house.

"Hyung...lets go to the doctor" Daehyun said trying to lift the man but Yoonjun shook his head. He was trying to say something but the bullets in his abdomen didn't let him. Daehyun and Jihun felt their eyes water looking at the man lying there in a blood pool. The commotions seemed to have woke Gaeul up and the little boy squinted his eyes open. But they were wide when he saw the situation they were in.

"Uncle....what happened to you?" he asked worriedly. But the man just smiled at him painfully.

"I-im fine" he said brethlessly and turned to look at the couple.

"T-there is a s-secret about our a-army. They d-destroyed this p-place for that. Y-your noona has it n-now. T-they are at the f-foot of the mountain n-now. Will you pretect that s-secret for the country?" Yoonjun said with great struggle.

"But hyung you ar-"

"No, Daehyunah. My l-life will be over now. B-but you s-should protect the c-country. W-will you?" the older gasped at the pain in his abdomen. Daehyun knew they can't save him as there was no hospital or doctor now. He loved Yoonjun like his own brother but he knew they had to part now.

"P-please protect your Noona and Boona" Yoonjun said before closing his eyes slowly.

"Hyung..." Daehyun hugged his hyung close and cried while shivering. Jihun who was also crying, hugged his husband sideways to give some support and held his son in his other arm.

"Uncle....." Gaeul cried shaking the body of Yoonjun.

"Baby....uncle is in a b-better place now" Jihun said to his son with tears in his eyes. Gaeul hugged his mama tight while crying. Jihun felt his husband stiffen and he looked at him.

"Jihun...." Daehyun called in a hoarse voice. Jihun nodded with questioning eyes.

"Yoonjun hyung died to protect the country. Now it's my turn" he said bringing more tears in his husband's eyes.

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