35. Whose Rings?

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Yoongi and Jungkook walked through a shady and dingy alleyway in the corner of the city. The houses there were pretty old and dusty. Even though it was past the morning, the way was still not that bright. The duo reached a house and knocked on its marred door. An old lady opened the door and recognized Yoongi.

"Oh, Yoongissi. Come inside" she said opening the door. Yoongi smiled at her and walked inside along with Jungkook.

"This is my friend Jungkook. We are here to meet Mr. Kim" Yoongi said not wanting to waste time. She smiled at them and pointed at a door where her father-in-law was there. The two young men opened the door to find a very old man sitting in front of a table, back facing them.

"Mr. Kim" Yoongi called but he didn't get any response. So they walked into the room and soon they could see that Kim Shin was looking at a small box. Yoongi laid his hand on the old man's shoulder and the latter jerked.

"It's me Yoongi," Yoongi said and Kim Shin nodded. When his eyes landed on the figure next to Yoongi, his eyes widened with mouth wide open.

"H-how-....." he was trying but could not speak the words out loud.

"Calm down, Mr. Kim" Yoongi said giving a water bottle that was on the table to Kim Shin. The old man gulped it down. Yoongi noticed Jungkook clutching his head.

"Jungkook, are you okay?" he asked the younger boy.

"It's the same pain, hyung" Jungkook said huffing while looking at the old man who was also looking at him. Yoongi made the younger sit on the bed and gave him water too. But his pain didn't go away.

"D-dae-hyun...." Yoongi and Jungkook turned back to look at Kim Shin when they heard him.

"I'm s-sorry. I b-betrayed y-you" he said with a shaky voice. Guilty tears fell down his wrinkly face. Jungkook just looked at him. He was sure it was not his first time seeing him. At least not in this life.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asked with serious but desperate eyes. Kim Shin just stood on his feet and took the box in his hands and walked to Jungkook with his old wobbly legs. He gave it to Jungkook who opened the box as fast as he could.

He froze when he saw two rings in the box. He was sure he saw them somewhere. Suddenly realization hit him like a truck.

"H-hyung, these are Seong Hwa and Bora's" Jungkook said looking at Yoongi whose mouth fell open. The younger felt his pain worsening and he knew it was time. He was about to pass out. But he was eager to know about everything.

"No. It was Daehyun and Jihun's" he heard Kim shin say before everything went black.


Many years ago:

"Mama...." little Gaeul ran to hug his father ahead of his appa.

"Oh, my prince. Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere? They said there was a commotion in the park" Jihun asked Gaeul worried and checked for any injuries.

"I'm alright" Gaeul replied and buffed his chest to show that he was good. Jihun giggled and peppered smooches all over his son's face who giggled.

"I'll go do my homework," Gaeul said running to his room as if he just didn't encounter a bomb attack. It was normal for them now. Jihun smiled at him and turned to see his husband.

"Are you alright, hubby?" he asked worriedly.

"Yeah. But it was quite dangerous there" he said removing his coat and hanging it on a hanger.

"Thank God" Jihun sighed and hugged his husband tight inhaling his scent.

"Did someone miss me that much?" Daehyun asked wrapping his hands around Jihun's tiny waist.

"Yeah. So much" Jihun pecked his husband's cheek lovingly.

"It's not fair" Daehyun whined.

"What?" Jihun asked baffled.

"You give him all your smooches but I only get one kiss" he sulked turning away from Jihun. The smaller laughed in disbelief.

"Seriously?!" Jihun laughed uncontrollably.

"Hmphhh!" Daehyun sulked again.

"Aww... Don't sulk, my bunny" Jihun said and cupped Daehyun's face. He leaned up to kiss all over his husband's face while smiling his eye smile.

"Are you satisfied?" Jihun asked pulling away.

"No. More" Daehyun said with puppy eyes. Jihun who couldn't resist that again peppered his face with smooches. He cupped Daehyun's face and the latter placed his hands over Jihun's, their rings clinking.

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