Chapter 39

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TW derealization, panic attacks.
Please let me know if I missed any


"Hurry the f*ck up Tommy, we're going to be caught" I just about shouted, throwing on my vest, and cuffs.

"I'm going, I'm going." Tommy said, rushing around. "You know Ranboo could just teleport us."

"Do we ever teleport to District 8?" I deadpanned.

"No," Tommy said.

Ranboo ducked under his wings as Tommy whirled around to grab his bandanna.

He quickly tied it on, and slipped on his mask.

"All set." He said, his voice distorted by the voice changer.

I slipped on my gas mask, and Ranboo opened the window.

He climbed out, with Tommy in tow. I watched Tommy glide to the ground, and slipped out of the window, shutting it and fluttering to the ground.

Ranboo tossed us both our bags, and we began walking.

Getting to District 8 was never a problem, besides the walk.

The walk was so long.

There was nothing to do on the walk.

So we just walked. There wasn't anything to talk about, or do, we had to be quiet.

But the boring walk was soon forgotten once we arrived to the familiar alley.

All three of us walked confidently into the alley, ignoring the whispers we grew up with.

We got to the dead end, and followed the wall to the left. Once we reached the corner, where the brick wall, and building intersected, Ranboo took out his twin blades, and stabbed the corner.

The air was still, and the solid wall shimmered just a bit.

Ranboo walked through the wall, followed by Tommy, and I.

It was more misty than it had been in a while.

A long while.

Ranboo led the way through the fog, and I felt Tommy's hand close around mine.

I was very thankful for the several harsh tugs that prevented me from running into a tree.

Kit has explained how this place works, but I will never understand it.

Logically, this should be the inside of a building. But it looked like a mist shrouded forest.

Where I see a corner, where the entrance is, Ranboo sees a door.

She says it's a sort of mind game.

You see what your told to see.

We reached the clearing where several vigilantes were already gathered.

I closed my eyes and envisioned a meeting room.

When I opened them, before me was a meeting room, the stumps everyone was sitting on became chairs, and the three of us were standing in the doorway.

It looked so much sadder than the forest.

I closed my eyes again, and we were back in the moonlit forest.

It was beautiful.

The way I know it, everyone sees something different.

"Where did Ranboo go?" I asked, realizing he wasn't beside me and Tommy anymore.

He went to make sure no one got lost.

"It is more misty than usual." I remarked.

Even when it looked like a meeting room, there was tendrils of mist on the floor.

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