Chapter 16 🔹️

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TW arguments, swearing,
Please let me know if I missed any


"Please Phil." I begged.

"No Wilbur, they are a danger whether you like it or not."

"They're only children!" I retorted.

"That doesn't matter."

I felt anger rising, they always talked about vigilantes as if my past didn't exist.

I stood up, "Why are they dangerous?" I asked.

"Because they don't have anything to tell them when enough is enough."

"So you're saying that freedom is dangerous? " I challenged. "People strive for freedom, but do you even know what freedom feels like?"

"Yeah." Phil replied.

I put my hands on the table. "What does it feel like then?" I hissed.

"It means that you get to choose things that you want to do." Phil said smoothly.

"No, that is what you think freedom is, and that might be true for you because you grew up here." I snarled, my words laced with venom.

"You grew up in a world where you could do what ever you wanted. But out there?" I gestured out the window. "It's a different story. People have to give up their children because they can't feed them. They don't live. They survive."

I looked out the window. "To me, freedom is the ability to do whatever you want, without pressure from anyone, or rules to tell you that you can't."

"Wil-" Phil started.

I whipped around. "Freedom is the ability to fly, without anyone telling you that your dreams are too big. Freedom is when you make all the choices in your life without others judging you, or trying to control you." I spat.

"Yeah, but they could become villans because no one is telling them they can't."

"Phil, did you know that most vigilantes that became villans were ones that were captured by heros? They became villans because heros are too blind to see when someone is just trying to help! They became villans because no matter how much good they did, people still saw them as bad people!" I snapped, my words laced with venom.

"Do you know why they are out there?" I asked gesturing to the glass. "Vigilantes are out there, risking their lives because you," I stabbed a finger at Phil. "can't keep the civilians safe!"

"They are out there because they can't stand by the sidelines and wait for someone who might not even show up." I whispered.

With that I walked into the stairwell, knowing Phil wouldn't budge on the subject.

I understand his hate for vigilantes, but they were so young.

They were like me, trying to fit in shoes far too big because the people that were supposed to be in those shoes weren't there.

And that's something that other heros will never understand.

Almost all of them had gone to school and had a good childhood.

That's the difference.

I don't want to say that I had it bad, because I didn't. But I definitely wasn't as privileged as they were.

I had two wonderful parents, and my three best friends, Kit, Niki, and George. But there was always the worry in the back of my mind.

I sat down under the stairs and cried, letting vibrant blue stain faded yellow.

"We should play heros!" George announced.

"Okay!" I agreed.

Niki nodded, and Kit shrugged.

"Alright, I'll be the hero, Niki, you can be the villan, and Wilbur and Kit will be victim, and bystander."

I nodded, and got ready.

Niki grabbed me by the scruff, and pretended to hoist me up.

"Give me your money!" She yelled pretending to be menacing.

"Or else?' I asked.

"Or else I'll kick you!" She announced.

Kit jumped in, and separated us.

"Kit, you're supposed to watch, and not intervene." George whined.

"Yeah but you were taking too long." Kit said.

"I was going to make a dramatic entry!"

"But that would take too long." Kit replied.

"But you're not a hero, you're a civilian."

"Yeah, but if someone can help, shouldn't they?"

"Wilbur?" Techno waved a hand infront of me.



"Are you okay?"

I glared at him, "Does it look like I'm okay?"

Techno sighed and sat next to me.

"I might not like vigilantes, but what you said about freedom is true."

"How do those two thing go together?" I asked with a sniff.

"Well I feel like it was implied that being a vigilante was true freedom."

I sighed, "I like being a hero, but-" I trailed off.

"But you liked being a vigilante more."

I nodded with a hand over my mouth.

"Being a vigilante is like being a hero without invisible chains strapped to you."

"I'm sorry." I said, sobs threatening to break through.

"I'm sorry, but when I saw Icarus and Astro, it just reminded me of myself."

I hiccupped, "It's just- they are so young."

Techno squeezed my hand.

"I- I was watching them work last night, and they-" I stopped myself from saying they worked the way Kit and I worked together.

"I just wish Phil could see for himself." I whispered, leaning into Techno.

"I do too." Techno replied.

"But you hate vigilantes."

"I do, but I also hate the idea that vigilantes are here because no one expects a hero to save the day."

Techno looked at me. "We might not be able to change Phil's outlook on vigilantes, but maybe we can make him see why kids have to do things that adults are supposed to do."


I like this chapter a lot.

I think at some point I said Wilbur would get a civilian identity, well f*ck that, no civilian identity for him.

Should I do more Wilbur backstory?

Should I have some more of Kit/Moon's backstory?

Have a great day/night my friends!

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