Chapter 15

696 38 4

TW mugging, robbery, violence, injuries, blood,
Please let me know if I missed any


Ves, anything?

I pulled up the surveillance cameras.

The heros have just arrived in the north side of the district.

"I'm sending you to the south end of the district, there's a robbery on Salt road."


I watched the cams closely, keeping an eye on the heros, and the robbery in progress.

I saw Ranboo and Tommy appear infront of the shop, Tommy pulled out what looked like a small pistol, and walked into the shop.

Ranboo was about to follow, when I jumped in.

"Astro, there's a mugging a few streets down."

I watched Ranboo nod at the camera, and sprint off.

I kept flicking my gaze from camera to camera, watching Tommy and Ranboo.

Once Tommy finished cuffing the robbers with zipties, I sent him over to Ranboo.

"Icarus, Astro is 3 streets west."

Ves, is it left or right?

I paused, "what do you mean?"

He turned to the camera, left or right from where I am?"

"Uh," I swiveled my chair so I was facing the same way, "Right."

He nodded and sprinted off to the right.

I turned my attention to the mugging in the alleyway, there were three guys who cornered a girl and a child.

Ranboo was between the men and the girl. She probably wasn't any older than us.

I saw a gleam of metal on the camera.

"Armed, something metal, be cautious."

He nodded and I watched the purple particles appear, he was preparing to teleport if he needed to. But I knew he wouldn't, he wouldn't leave the people.

While I had my full attention on the situation to keep my friends safe, I didn't notice Sparrow and Jubilee making their way to the south side of the district.

"Astro look out!" I watched one of the men lunge at Ranboo.

He twisted sideways, and the blade barely missed his side.

"Icarus, where are you?" I asked urgently.

Turning into the alley now.

I watched as Tommy sprinted into the alley, his wings tucked tightly to his back, concealing the thin chain.

He crept up behind one of the men, and grabbed his hand, tackling him to the ground.

One of the others turned around to see what the commotion was, only to be grabbed by Ranboo, and promptly knocked out.

Sometimes I hated being off of the field.

"Astro!" I nearly screamed.

They both forgot about the third person.

I could only watch as Ranboo gasped in pain, a knife was plunged into his arm by the third man.

It would've hit his stomach if he didn't move his arm.

Third person

Tommy stood up and stalked towards the man.

He made quick work of him and then picked up his limp body and slammed him against the wall for good measure.

That would hurt once he woke up.

Tommy shouted at the woman to get put of there and call the cops before hurrying to Ranboo.

He pulled out the knife, dripping with almost perriwinkle colored blood.

Tainted blood.

Not the deep Enderian purple all Enderians have.

All of their blood was tainted.

Tommy quickly drew a pair of wings on the ground, and held the Enderian's hand as they were whisked home.

The comms cut out like always, and Tubbo wiped the cams evidence of them before hurrying to the bedroom to grab the medical kit.

Once he got back, Tommy was lying Ranboo on the towel on the couch.

They always made sure no one had any of their blood, so Tommy had the knife.

"This is actually a good knife." He said, turning it over.

"Awesome." Tubbo shouted from the washroom.

He came back with a cloth, and took off Ranboo's cloak.

Tubbo tore open his sleeve because it has to fix it anyway.

It was a deep gash, and would probably have to be sewn back up.

Tubbo began working, and sent Tommy to call in sick for Ranboo.

Unbeknownst to any of them, Jubilee was watching the scene play out.

All he knew was how much they reminded him of himself.

He is happy to see a new set on the field.


Yay! New chapter!

Yay! Successful show!

Have a great day/night my friends!

Love you all! 💙

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