Chapter 34

556 33 6

TW violence,
Please let me know if I missed any


I refused to patrol with Phil, and he refused to apologize for his behavior, so I stayed at the hero tower.


"Yeah Tech?"

When does Icarus usually begin patrol?

"I don't know, but he is really good at avoiding us."


I leaned back with a sigh, and gazed out the window.

I sat bolt upright as I watched a tiny thing sprint across the road, followed by 4 people dressed in uniforms.

The little thing ran into one of the alleys, and the four people followed.

I grimaced, those alleyways are a labyrinth, and those poor people will be lost for at least an hour.

I watched the alley closely, and five minutes later the little animal came trotting out.


"Yeah Tech?"

Who's Tech? This is Rage, a little fox took something off of the guards, and they are all lost in the alleys.

I stifled a laugh. Only people who don't go in alleys get lost in them.

Can you retrieve them Jubilee?

"Nope." I said, popping the 'p', "I have to make sure Sparrow and Atlas don't get their asses kicked."

You really think a 14 year old vigilante can do that much damage? Rage said in a joking tone.

I didn't take a second to think. "Yup." I replied, dead serious.

After all, it was a 14 year old vigilante who was directly responsible for the deaths of 20 people, two of them being heros.

"Astro scares Atlas, even if he never admits it."

If you say so J- the comms cut off.

"Rage? You there?"

Someone broke in. He breathed.

"What! How did they not set off the alarm?"

I don't know, but they also knocked out the security cams. Nook can't see anything from the cams.

"Did you see anyone?" I asked urgently.

No, I just heard that all the cameras are static.

"Maybe there was a malfunction?"

Maybe, I'm going to go down and check.

"Alright, I'll keep you on tab."

I sat there for a moment.

That little sandy blob I saw was a fox.

A trained fox, probably tasked with leading the guards away.

Was it one of Kit's foxes?

But if it was, that means Kit was the one breaking in.

Why would Moon want to break into the hero tower?

Was there information that needed to be destroyed?

There shouldn't be, I've kept a close watch on the information the Dream Team has gathered.

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