Chapter 10

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TW fighting, violence
Please let me know if I missed any

Third person

Wilbur crossed his arms with a sigh, watching his father figure and brother figure look over district 11 in shock.

Phil, or Sparrow, usually doesn't patrol outside of District 5. He isn't stupid, but sometimes he can be a bit ignorant.

Techno comes here every so often, but never at night.

"We still have 5 more districts to go through, we don't have the time to gawk." Wil said, running over the roofs.

He loved patrolling the outer districts, but he had to get there first, and the agency made it such a pain.

They aren't allowed to travel by subway, or car. No they had to walk all the way to where they patrol.

It was utter bullshit.

At least Sparrow has wings, on the other hand Jubilee Line, and Atlas had a lot of running to do.

They arrived at district 16.

"This district lacks light." Sparrow remarked.

Jubilee snorted, "This is a poor district Sparrow, you really think they are concerned about light?"

Sparrow blanched, "N-no I guess not."

Jubilee clicked his tongue, "Remember, no capture attempts, just get to know the lay of the land."

Sparrow looked like he was going to protest, but Atlas cut him off. "We don't have enough information to capture anyway."

Sparrow nodded, and they fanned out.

Little do they know, there is another vigilante here tonight.

○ ○ ○

Atlas walked through the street, trying to map out the District's layout in his head.

"Ooh, another hero has come to play."

Atlas whipped around, and spotted a teenager on the roof. The teen peered at the hero before gliding down to the road.

"Good evening, Atlas." The teen stepped into the dim circle of light the lamp cast.

Atlas recognized him as Icarus, the avian vigilante.

"Good evening Icarus." He replied, continuing his walk.

Icarus folded his wings, and fell into step with him.

"You here with Jubilee?" He asked.

Atlas nodded.

"Sparrow too?"

He nodded again.

"I'd love to stay and chat, but there's a mugging a few alleys over." He said, running away.

Atlas took off after him, wanting to watch this play out.

When he rounded the bend, he saw a teenage boy backed against the wall by an older man.

The vigilante had a staff, and was slowly creeping up on the man.

Once he was close enough, he leaped and bashed the man over the head.

It wasn't hard enough to knock him out, but he drew his attention to the vigilante. He staggered toward Icarus, before lunging.

Icarus caught his punch with practiced ease, and ducked under his arm, putting the man in an arm lock.

He shoved the man to the ground, and ziptied his hands together.

Then he turned to the boy, and Atlas realized he could probably be the same age as the teen he saved.

After a bit of talking, he saluted, and climbed up the building.

Atlas followed him.


Techno hero name!




Have a great day/night my friends!💜

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