Chapter 37

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TW mentioned kidnapping/abduction, neglect, needles, experiments, mentioned suicide.
Please let me know if I missed any

~Two days later~


It was all over the news, and Jubilee had found a picture of the three of us sitting on a bench one night when I was still 13.

We were dubbed the benchtrio, and people were warned of us being dangerous.

There was a picture of me barring my teeth at Sparrow, and a picture of Tubbo staring into a camera with his glowing eyes.

They painted us like monsters.

I flicked my tail irritablely, the people we have saved know we aren't monsters, right?

I stared at the picture of me on the news. I looked terrifying.

I looked like I could snap people's necks as easily as toothpicks.

"Lethe," Theseus whispered, "I'm scared."

I cupped his face in my hands, "Don't worry, we'll be okay." I collapsed him into a tight embrace.


"Lethe, what's going to happen to us?" Theseus whispered fearfully.

"I don't know." I said, stroking through his filthy hair.

"I don't think heros are going to save us." He said sadly.

I don't know how long we have been here in this pitch black room, but surely it was long enough for us to be deemed missing.

"I don't think so either." I knew they weren't.

I shuttered, and curled my tail around my leg.

"You okay Boo?" Tubbo asked.

"Yeah," I said, stroking the sleeping blond's hair. "Just, bad memories."

"We're you born into the fighting ring?" He asked, shifting his wings.

"No." I said, running my claws through Tommy's hair. "I was four when we were captured."

"Please, it's still light out, and I'll be quick." I begged.

"And Tommy was two." My voice trembled

I was walking my best friend home, after all, I was a big four year old.

"I was walking him home, and we were chatting happily."

It was only two houses away from mine, so my parents were fine with it. I grabbed the blond's hand and began walking down the sidewalk.

"I think we were being too loud, and someone saw it as the perfect chance to take us."

In between one breath and the next, the two year old was gone.

In between one breath and the next, everything went dark.

"I'm so sorry Ranboo." Tubbo said, his eyes downcast.

"It's okay."

"Would you like me to tell you my story?" He offered.

"Sure." I said, shifting the blond so his wings weren't going to be squashed.

Tubbo took a deep breath, "I don't remember much from before I was taken, but I remember my father's laugh, it was really loud, and happy, maybe a bit psychotic."

He shivered, "Then there was a big crash, and the next morning, I woke up in a bright room. It hurt my eyes. A few days later, I got my first injection. I think I was originally a goat." He wiggled his downtuned ears to prove the point.

"That was the injection that disintegrated the start of my horns, and my antennas grew in their place. I got a few more minor injections, and then I had my next major one. That was the most painful month of my life, growing stingers."

He stared at his wrists for a moment, his stingers are like cat claws, retractable. But there is a line that trails fron the start of the palm, to past his wrist that marks where they are.

"Then i was injected on each shoulder blade and I grew wings. The last one was a pill, it was vibrant yellow and black. I took it for 3 months, and my eyes shifted a little bit every week. It was supposed to give me Hive mind strong enough to rival a siren command, or so I heard. But I got explosive abilities instead." He finished softly.

"You already know the rest, I ran away to an orphanage, stayed there for 2 years in and out of homes, faked my death, and met you guys, and Kit."

I nodded, "That's terrible."

"Tubbo nodded, "You know what I just realized?"


"We all had family who was probably devastated to lose us."

It all came crashing down again. I don't think about my parents who believe I am dead, it's easier to not think about the couple who mourned the loss of their son.

What if they didn't mourn at all?

Or, what if they were so sad that they killed themselves?

"Yeah," I said quietly, "I guess we did."

I shifted Tommy again, and stood up, "Come on, we should head to bed, it's 4 in the morning."

Tubbo nodded, and we walked into our room.

I lied Tommy down, making sure he wasn't laying on a wing, and Tubbo and I lied down as well.

Tubbo spread two of his translucent wings over the both of us, "It nice to have you back Boo." He said sleepily.

"You've said that every night since I came back."

"An' I mean it every time."

I smiled, "Goodnight Bee."

"Goodnight Boo."


I've got a few more chapters, and right now it looks like you guys want a sequel.

I adore reading your reactions, so thank you!

Have a great day or night my friends!💙

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