Chapter 36

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Techno and I stood there for a moment, before realizing that Phil wasn't with us.

I snorted, "I hope Astro beats the shit out of him."

Techno frowned, "Really?"

I frowned back, "Of all the people in the world, I'd think you would understand the most, Mr. Blood God."

Techno stiffened, "I- that is different."

"Is it?" I challenged. "You were treated like an animal too." I paused, "Oh wait, I forgot, it's bad for 'bad guys' to do bad things, but it's perfectly fine for heros to do the exact same thing because they can do no wrong."

"Wilbur, that's not-"

I cut him off, "That is exactly what you meant, heros are hypocrites who don't own up to the awful things they have done. At least villans have nothing to hide, and they state their intentions at the stake."

I felt my eyes well up with tears, and shot up through the ceiling.

The real monsters are those who lurk in the shadows around you, compare to them, the ones in the light are nothing.

I sat in the stairwell until dawn turned to morning.

I quickly composed myself, and walked down to the lobby to meet Tommy.

He walked in with large dark circles under his eyes, more than usual.

"Did you throw a party last night?" I asked jokingly.

"Yup." He replied, matching my energy.

I grinned a bit, "You too tired to go up the stairs?"

He gave me a devious grin, "Are you?"

I waltzed over to the stairs, before opening the door, and making a sweeping motion with my arm. "After you."

He quickly hopped onto the first railing, "Let's go!" He called.

I shot up, feeling the pent up anger and sadness become buried under laughter.

It left all too quickly as we reached the 100th floor, and I sighed to myself.

Tommy gave me a small smile, and ducked into the common room.

I took a deep breath, and walked right through the common room, not bothering to see who was, or wasn't there.

I strode to the door on the other side, and walked right through it. Acting like the unheard ghost I am.

Turn left, go down the hall, turn left again, phase through my door. I sighed and plopped into my seat, cutting when I fell through it, and the floor, hitting the ground with a thud.

I lay flat like that for a minute just processing why I was still working in the agency.

"Are you alright?" It was Tommy, peering at me from where he was standing.

I propped myself up, leaning on my hands, and staring at the blond.

"Yep, totally, this happens all the time." I said with a note of sarcasm. "Y'know, just casually falling through the floor."

"Why do you have dark circles under your eyes all the time? Do you work a night job?" I asked

"I don't think a seventeen year old is really built for as much work as I do, you could say that I work a night job."

Tommy held out his hand, "I don't really think that's normal." He said as he helped me up.

I scoffed, "You'll be surprised by how many things are normal here."

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