Chapter 33

537 29 12

TW Violence,
Please let me know if I missed any

Enjoy all the build-up falling.


"And Icarus?" I asked, wanting to throw Atlas off of any suspicion he may have pinned on me during the whole medical check.

"Still out there." He said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "You're safe."

"I'm not worried for me, I'm worried about my brother." I said, thinking of Lethe, sitting in a white washed room.

I thought for a moment. "Does your brother work too?"

I paused before nodding, I have to play my part. "Work in District 16 is hard to find, let alone safe, so he has to walk to District 14 for his job every day."

It isn't false, Tubbo is my brother.

"Maybe he can come here to be with you for a day." Atlas suggested.

I looked out the window, thinking of how I would explan that Tubbo was a wingless beeling. "Maybe."

I left the office. Heading towards my own I saw Jubilee's door open. He was sitting with his head in his hands, the glass window behind him was no longer in pieces on the ground.

I leaned into the door frame, "You look conflicted."

Jubilee looked up, "How nice of you to notice."

"What's wrong?" I asked a bit playfully.

"Nothing that you can fix, sadly." He said with a sigh.

I nodded, and walked away, closing the door behind me.


Tubbo grinned, his wings buzzing in excitement when I got home.

"What?" I asked.

"Tonight." He said with a smile, "We are doing this tonight."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"He has been held captive for a week and a half, we are getting our brother back." Tubbo said fiercely.

He walked into the bedroom, presumably to change out of work clothes, and I went to the bathroom to get my vigilante gear on.

When I emerged, I saw Tubbo in his vigilante gear, which consisted of cargo pants, a shirt, a gas mask, a string of pouches that wrapped around his waist, and something new.

A vest with a nuclear symbol on the back, and two biohazard symbols on the front.

"You're coming with me?" I asked in shock.

"No, I'm just dressing up, of course I'm coming with you, dickhead!"

"And," he tossed me a pouch, "that may come in handy."

I opened it to see a small hollow wooden piece, and some darts.

Paralyzing blow darts.

"You actually finished them." I breathed.

There was a small tap on the window, and Tubbo and I turned to see a pale fox, sitting in the flower box, patiently waiting.

I opened the window, and the small fox lept in, and pranced around for a minute.

It had the signature pale blue collar that meant it was one of Kit's foxes.

I unrolled the note that it has dropped into my hand.

This is Elanna, she will accompany you on this mission, you have both worked with her before.
See you all soon.

I smiled, and turned to Elanna. "Looks like we play together once again."

Tubbo got out a satchel, and slipped it over his head.

He held out his hand, and Elanna jumped up, and hopped into the satchel.

Tubbo attached the silent bell to her collar, which was a tracking device, with a camera and microphone.

And the two of us slipped out of the window.

It would be much faster if we went over the buildings, but I was sneaking out of the district, and Tubbo was with me, so we had to navigate the alleys.

It was pretty simple at first, stay in the shadows, don't get noticed. But then we got to District 6, the farthest heros usually patrol.

That was the real challenge.

Tubbo and I sat in an alley way, trying to plan out a way to get through the next 5 districts.

Elanna lept out of the satchel and sat between us, her big bat-like ears alert as she listened to us talk.

A few minutes later, she pinned her ears, and bared her teeth in the direction of the entrance, before scampering deeper onto the alley.

"Elanna, wait." Tubbo whispered.

Elanna looked back, and cocked her head, before turning in a circle and going deeper.

I stood up, and began running after the small Fennec fox, with Tubbo on my heels.

Soon, it became too dark for Tubbo to see, even though his eyes glowed black and yellow, and acid green.

I grabbed Tubbo's hand, and pulled him along with me, both of us following the small fox.

Elanna halted to a stop, and sniffed the air. I went to scoop her up, but she tore off again, deeper into the labyrinth of shadowed alleyways.

After 20 minutes of chasing Elanna, she slowed, and cocked her head towards us.

Tubbo lunged, and scooped her up.

"Quick little fox." He chuckled lightly.

"So, where are we?" I asked.

"Well, let's step out of this alley and find out." Tubbo said, walking towards the much brighter entrance.

He poked his head out, "Um, Icarus? You might want to see this."

I poked my head out, and saw neon lights, and bright billboards decorating the tall buildings.

And right across the street was the Hero Tower.

Tubbo got Elanna, and put her on the ground. "Alright, you know the drill, don't get captured, and meet us inside the building." He said, giving what looked like a stick to the fox.

She took the stick, and began walking towards the entrance.

"What did you give her?" I asked.

"It's a stick, her job is to lure the guards into the alleyways, and meet us at the entrance."

"Why did you give her a stick?"

"So she can grab something off the guards to get them to follow her."

I watched as the little fox ran across the road, and into a dark alley.

"Let's go save our brother Vespa."


I am very excited!

We had a successful show today!

We didn't place, but I don't care.

Tomorrow is the show that matters!

Falling action!

Have a great day/night my friends 💙

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