Chapter 38

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TW hostage, violence
Please let me know if I missed any


It has been almost a week since Astro escaped, and Tommy bounded into work full of energy.

"You seem energetic today." I remarked. "And a lot less tired." I nodded at his eyes.

He flushed in embarrassment, "My brother banned me from work and forced me to get more sleep."

"Ah, well that's good, you look a lot happier." Phil added from over my shoulder.

And younger. I thought.

He didn't look 17, he looked a lot younger.

"Come on, let's go." Techno said.

"Wait, what are we doing? Where are we going?"

"Out." I said simply.

Right now, almost all the news was about the benchtrio, they even had several websites dedicated to them.

One with all the people they've saved telling the world they aren't monsters, and another dedicated to gathering information on them. Yet another speculating what Astro and Vespa are.

I've spent a lot of my free time reading the speculations and stories, their really touching; the stories, not speculations.

Some of the first posts were about the hostage situation, and how the police were too worried to go in.

They said they saw Astro grappling the kidnappers and they thought of him as scary as well. But they were proud of their vigilantes.

I had smiled, Moon has done their job well.

"So what are we doing out here?"

"Let's make a video about things heros can't do."

He looked between the three of us, "Wait you've seen the site already?"

Tommy had made a website titled SBI tea, and I heard hin making a video introducing who he was and what the website would be about. I told it to Techno and Phil, and we thought we'd suprise him.

I was still mad, I might always be mad, but the part having a work team is keeping the past out of the present. So you have to learn to shove down your anger, because you have to trust them with your life.

It's not forgiven, or forgotten.

Just shelved for a day that will never come.

"Yeah, now come on." I said happy to see Tommy so happy.

"Okay, okay." Tommy fumbled with the camera with a laugh.

He turned it on, and faced it towards him. "Hello and welcome to SBI Tea where hero life is spilled. I, intern Tommy am here with some of your favorite top tens: Sparrow, Atlas, and Jubilee Line."

He turned the camera to face us.

"Today we are going to give you an inside look on taking a walk." I said with a bit of nervousness.

We began walking down the street.

"I'm going to act like I'm interviewing you guys, okay?"

We all made noises in agreement.

He held up a fist, "Sparrow, what is your favorite part of being a hero?" He asked holding out his fist like a microphone.

Sparrow leaned into the fake microphone with a smile, "I think my favorite part of being a hero is Patrolling, cause I get to fly real high."

Hm, usually the response was the humble, but expected, reward of saving people.

Tommy panned the camera towards me, "What do you say about this?"

I bent down a bit, "Dressing up."

He nodded, and panned the camera towards Atlas.

"Fighting." He replied simply.

"So Jubilee," he panned the camera back towards me, "Why is this the first walk you three have taken in a while?"

"Because we're usually really busy,  and-" We hadn't even made it a block away before a few people noticed we were outside.

They began walking towards us, "That." I muttered.

Three people came up to us, "Hey, we have a question, do you guys ever plan to show your civilian identities?"

It was directed at Techno and I, because Phil already has his identity leaked.

He had giant black wings, it's hard to keep that a secret.

"No, because I am not interested in having people track me down and swarm my house like a giant SWAT team." I said, maybe a bit harsher than necessary.

"Maybe. . . On my death bed." Techno said lightheartedly. He was against having his personal life merged with his hero life.

Too many things they could exploit from his past.

We continued our walk, fortunately we don't get swarms of people following us like the dream team does.

We get a lot more questions.

As soon as Tommy noticed how many questions we got, and how many were repeated, he got out a notebook, and began writing down each question.

I held the camera now.

Several people waved at the camera.

"Hey." Someone said as they walked up to Tommy, "are you @just_an_intern_tommy?"

I panned the camera over to Tommy who smiled, "Yeah."

Phil chuckled, "Is someone internet famous?"

Tommy stated at the camera for a moment.

"Nooooo." He half shouted.

We all burst out laughing, it was just like when I was younger.

Before one of my friends went off the rails.

I closed my eyes, wanting to seal this moment in stone.

It was perfect.


I have a problem, I can't find a good title cover for the sequel.

I'm thinking of calling it The Rights and Wrongs.

But it feels weird and too solemn

Any suggestions?

The sequel will tie up all the loose ends and give more meaning to things unfinished in this book.

I have two more chapters to put out on this book though.

Have a great day/night my friends!

Love you all! 💙

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