Chapter 24

578 33 13

TW swearing, mentioned death attempted kidnapping,
Please let me know if I missed any


I have been watching Foxglove for several nights. He is just a normal fox.

He isn't much of a threat, but at the same time, I am wary as always.

I backed into the shadows more, and scribbled down a small note.

As much as I would like to have a fox or a shadow deliver it, I don't want him knowing anything.

I trotted out of the shadows as a small red fox, holding the note in my mouth.

I trotted up to the new vigilante, who was sitting on fountain edge, and sat at his feet. His ears perked up when he saw me.

"Hello little one!"

He was probably 19 or so.

He reached out his hand, and I remembered I was a small fox.

I feigned curiosity, and sniffed his hand, dropping the note into it.

He held it in his other hand, and rubbed behind my ear, thanking me.

I didn't apriciate it, but I had to play the part.

He went to unfold the note, and I took that as a chance to leap away.

I quickly shifted to a larger fox, and made my way to District 16.

○ ○ ○

The alley was dim, I forget how dim Logstedshire is.

I picked up someone's footsteps, and a minute later Theseus came around the corner.

"For a raccoon, you are not stealthy." I deadpanned.

"Oh f*ck off." He said with a grin.

If it were any other circumstance, I would've continued the banter.

"Ok, serious now. My guess is they are keeping him in one of the chambers under the HA." I said.

"I went there today to drop off the bees." He said nonchalantly.


"Yeah, Tubs made tiny drones that looked like bees, I dropped them there to scout out the area."

I stood there for a moment to process the information.

Honestly, why didn't I see that? Toby has always loved tech, and is the group's lookout and hacker. His unique abilities make him great at combat aswell, but he likes being behind the scenes.

"Tubbo will need to disable all the security cameras, and somehow get through the elevator, and to the basement, which only heros can do."

Tommy crossed his arms. "The way you say that makes me think you have done this before."

I have, but I'm not about to tell Theseus how I nearly got my friend and I killed.

I shrugged, "I am not confirming, nor denying that information."

He thought for a moment.

"So what's the plan?"

I smiled, "I think it's high time that Vespa made an appearance."

○ ○ ○ ○ Wilbur ○ ○ ○ ○

"So, why are we here?" I asked stiffly as I surveyed the rooftops.

Phil sighed, "Because we need to find Icarus."

I groaned, I wanted to spend more time talking to Astro. He was an interesting person.

"Did either of you bring any restraints?" I asked suddenly.

"Yes Wil, I brought restraints."

"Okay, then what are we doing here?" I asked gesturing to the roof.

Techno shrugged, and I lept off the roof.

"If you want to find a vigilante," I shouted, running down the road. "follow the sound of police sirens."

There was no sign of the vigilante, but the night was still young.

I walked the streets for a while, before a fox trotted up to me. I sighed, thankful that I had left both my body cam, and mic at the tower.

I reached out to touch it, but it dissipated, before reforming, and taking my hand in it's mouth.

I felt icy teeth on my skin, gentle enough not to break the skin.

It dragged me several blocks down, before dissipating.

I heard a scream, and ran towards it.

There was a person backing a little boy into the wall.

I stepped forward to restrain the person, but at the same time, a figure leaped off the roof, and put themself between the person and the small boy.

"Fancy seeing you here Line." He said calmly.

The person whipped around to face me, and a moment later keeled over.

Icarus clapped his hands together and kneeled down next to the kid, talking softly to him.

While he did that, I dragged the person over to mouth of the alley and tied him to the post.

I walked back to the boy, and Icarus.

The little boy was centered on his back, holding onto his shoulders for support, and he began climbing up the building.

I followed, and we ran across the rooftops.

"Where are we going Icarus?" I asked as we ran.

"You can do whatever you want, I am going to get this one home." He said opening his wings to glide down.

He didn't flap his wings when he touched the ground, and instead landed awkwardly.

I jumped down, and Icarus knocked on the door.

A worried man opened the door, and the little boy gave him a hug.

"Thank you, I didn't know you teamed up with Jubilee."

Icarus coughed, "Erm, yeah, but only for a bit."

As the door closed, I heard the boy exclaiming, "Daddy I got to fly!"

Icarus and I smiled at eachother, and he started walking away.

I did too, making a note to ask Phil why Icarus would do that.


Should I write a chapter of Fundy and Kit interactions?

Have a great day/night my friends.

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