Samuel Riddle

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I sat next to the hospital bed, watching madam Pomfrey give Riddle his potions. I had thousands of thoughts running through my mind, what was I going to say to my dad? Then a thought came to me, I'm friends with Mimi who is a Malfoy and Luke who was a Lestrange and they were nothing like their families so maybe he's nothing like Voldemort.

Whilst trapped with my thoughts I didn't notice Riddle beginning to wake until he sat up in shock.

"Potter, what are you doing here?!"

"My names Lily, not Potter and I was waiting to see if you were ok."

"Why would you care, nobody else does and all of those stupid moodbloods fear me. Now I understand why my grandfather did what he did!"

"Please don't use that word it's awful and anyway I noticed nobody came to see you so I decided to wait and keep you company cause I care and no one deserves to be lonely"


"Yeah really, so let's start again. Hi I'm Lily but you can call me Lil, nice to meet you!"

He threw his head back and laughed, "This is stupid!" I glared at him.

 "Ok Ok, I'm Samuel but you can call me Sam, nice to meet you too."

I smiled, "Wasn't that hard was it?" Sam just shook his head and laughed calling me crazy. I stook my tongue out at him making him laugh even more.

I sat talking to him until the end of the lesson before madam Pomfrey shooed me away but before I left I invited Sam to dinner in the Dragonclaw common room. He agreed and I ran off to my next lesson.


I rushed around our kitchen making our tea as none of us Dragonclaws felt like going down to the great hall tonight. I was the only one in our house that could cook, not that I minded. I asked Mimi to watch our food in the oven so that it didn't burn before making my way down to the courtyard.

I saw Sam stood at the other side of the fountain. Not being able to resist it I ran up behind him and jumped onto his back. Laughing he caught his footing and began to spin round. He held onto my legs and began to walk up to our floor.

"I'm glad I met you Lil, I finally have a friend"

I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, "Awww don't go all soppy on me Sammykins." he laughed and shook his head as we reached the wall of our common room.

"So how the hell do you get into here!?"

I laughed and leant forward, pressing my hand against the cool wall. The wall crumbled away at my touch, leaving Sam to shake his head in disbelief.

We had a really fun night  and all of my friends accepted Sam easily, the only thing is I don't know whether or not to tell my dad now because I know that he wont allow me to be friends with him.


Hey everyone, I hope you like this new update. Anyway I've been asked by another wattpad member if they could use my idea of there being a 5th Hogwarts house and the students attending all three schools but I'm unsure whether or not to let her  so I thought I'd get your opinion.

So I hope you all enjoy and I cant believe that we are nearly at 2k reads!!!!!

Have a good day tomorrow or today depending on your time zone haha.

Love Lily x

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