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After an amazing, stressful tiring year it was time to head home for the summer. Uncle Charlie had to work over the summer so we stayed at home in Romania, I now had a summer job at the sanctuary! I was a little sad at first to not be going home with my parents and brothers but Uncle Charlie is an amazing father figure. I learnt Romanian over the summer and am now fluent. I spoke a lot to Luke over the summer and gave him advice about his shifts as well as generally just being there for him.

Second year is about to start and I cant wait!


Oh my gosh guys it's been ages! I'm so sorry for not updating I've literally been drowning in coursework but I'm back and will be updating on Wednesdays from now on as well as other random updates if I get time. The First chapter of year 2 will be posted tonight as I am writing/editing it as this posts. I love you guys soooo much, thank you for all of your support and sticking with me, I honestly really appreciate it. xxxxx

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