I'm Back! Thank you so much!

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Hi everyone, wow it's been a long time and I'm so sorry about that. I left without an explanation and now I'm back here's why. I've had a lot of issues going off at home we had some bad news just before christmas and needed time together as a family, then in february my mum had to go away to work up north and will be there until december. My stepdad is disabled so between us we have been trying to hold everything together and run the household as well as look after my two younger sisters. On top of all of that I am doing my GCSE exams which I am half way through right now. At the moment its my half term and then I only have two more weeks left then I have finished for the summer (13 weeks!!!) so I'm back and will be updating regularly. I am so grateful for the continued support of all of my readers with over 500 messages of support and encouragement that I have seen today I'm so overwhelmed. 

Thank you all xxx

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