Thirty Five

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His hands holding you tightly was enough you make you feel reassured as you could feel their stares at you and Jinwo as soon as you walked into the hall.

You can feel all sorts of stares at him, envy, admiration, respect, and fear. As for their stares at you, it was nothing but curiosity and confusion.


You could not help but to exclaim

There was only one vacant seat left. You stare at Jinwo as everyone hold out their breath. Once again, although the relationship between the two of you were not established yet everyone could guess what the relationship you two have.

"Uhmm should I?? Leave??"

You whispered to Jinwo, their stares at you feels like crawling to your skin making you feel small.

Yet you feel his hold to your hand tighten as soon as you said those words.

"No. You're invited here."

He told you firmly and reassuringly before he started searching the crowd.

"There must be some sort of mistake"

You could feel him slowly getting pissed.

"It... It's fine, I don't think I'm needed here anyways...!?"

Before you could even finish your sentence, as if Jinwo had enough of your nonsense, he sat down on the last vacant seat and without thinking twice, he pull you on his lap.


You exclaimed, face turning red in flustered and embarrassment

"Problem solved I guess?"

He chuckle

"No! You..!"

"Now, now don't get mad darling. People are looking"

As he hush you up with a gentle voice, it was actually in contrast to how he look right now. You being unable to see his face upon having your face buried on his chest.

He was staring cold at everyone around, the staffs of the event drenched in cold sweat upon their mistake.

Five minutes before the start, one of the staffs came into both of you, you sitting pretty on his lap sideways as you cross your legs leaning on the side of his seat, his arm warped around your waist.

It felt so natural, to think you were to tense a few minutes ago.

"Hunter (Lastname) I'm sorry for the inconvenience early, it was a mistake on our part Ma'am. We're very sorry."

You could only raise a brow on the staffs who coukd only sweat nervously

After all they do know who you are.


"Well then Ma'am you could.. Ehem, get off Hunter Sung. We have already prepared a seat for you over there right next to Hunter Liu Zhigang."

The Girl From Another World (Sung Jinwo)Where stories live. Discover now