Thirty Four

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You shout, kicking the nearest thing to you causing it to get slammed on the wall nearby

JinHo was missing, and base on the information of the American hunter association, one of the people from scavenger guild had taken them.

Hwang Dungsoo, that fucking Hwang Dungsoo was in there.

Suddenly you felt a tap in your shoulder, there was Jinwo looking just as furious as you.

"I'm going to look outsid-"

He stopped mid ways as the he look at your suddenly terrified expression.

"The-the bracelet I've given JinHo broke"

You look at him, (eye color) iris shaking

Although the bracelet you've given JinHo wasn't like what you had given Jinwo, but it still has a function tthat suppresses ones damage until it snap off.

And the fact that it snapped off means that the bracelet had taken enough damage of it to snap off, other than that, it means that JinHo is all defenseless now.

"We have to hurry"

You urge Jinwo and he nods taking you out of the building leaving all the American hunter association people behind

Soon you find yourself in the streets of America, having you and Jinwo to part ways in the middle to look around faster.

You couldn't help but to grit your teeth, thinking how could you be so careless, both of you. You should have come with JinHo, in that way this wouldn't have happened.

"Okay calm down.."

Nothing gets done when you're mad.

Suddenly you quickly stopped on your spot, eyes silently staring at the trembling shadow beneath you.

He's mad. You can tell my his terrified shadow that he is sure mad. But that also means he manage to find JinHo.


Referring to his shadow that was beneath you

"Lead me the way to Jinwo"

You spoke

Soon enough the shadow left beneath your feat it understood you, causing you to follow it. Leaping buildings between buildings you have no problem moving in ease.

Casually glancing every building around you as you move fast, keeping in check of the time. It seems to you like you were getting near Jinwo, but at the same time the unsettling feeling ever since you and Jinwo part ways were still there.

And odd feeling as if someone was watching over you was there. There was one person who came in mind, the same person who went into you in the hotel that night.


You spoke out loudly as you stopped on top of a building

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