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Dakota's POV

I watched Steve and the others leave before walking over to Max and Mike who were watching Eleven and Hopper.

"C'mon guys we gotta go." I whispered to them and they nodded. "Meet us out front when they're done all right? Nancy, Jonathan, Will, Lucas and I will be waiting in the car."

They nodded at me and I walked out to see Nancy and Jonathan leaning on the car with Lucas and Will already inside. "What are you doing here?" Nancy asked.

"Thought you guys could use an extra set of hands. Just in case."

"Yeah, well, you thought wrong." Jonathan said and my eyes widened.

I expected this kind of attitude from Nancy, but Jonathan?!

Nancy also looked surprise. "Jonathan, be nice. " she turned back to me. "Thanks for staying behind though. "I'm pretty sure nothing is going to go wrong but just in case..."

I nodded as Max, El, and Mike exited the mall and headed toward the back of the car. Nancy and Jonathan also got in and I went around the car after helping El, Nancy was having trouble starting it.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I...I don't know." Nancy said turning the key again and we listened as the car sputtered and coughed before stopping.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Didn't your mom just buy this car?" Lucas asked.

"Yes! I'm sure it's fine." Nancy tried again.

"Did you leave the lights on?" Will asked.


"Do we have gas?"

"Yes!" Nancy screamed getting a bit irritated and I tapped her window.

"Pop the hood." I told her and she nodded doing as told as Jonathan exited the car and joined me.

"Do you even know anything about cars?" He asked lifting the top and we took a look inside.

"Back home, Stark has a collection of them. He payed me 500 bucks to fix one for him when he was busy." I said looking around for the problem.

"500 bucks?!"

I nodded before figuring out why the car wouldn't start. "The hell?"

"What?" He asked.

"The ignition cable is gone..." I said just as the sound of a car revving its engine was heard and we turned around to see Billy in it, shining the headlights at us.

I ran toward the back of the car and opened the kid's door. "Get back inside! Now!" I shouted before going to the trunk and helping Eleven out since she couldn't walk good.

"Be careful!" I heard Nancy yell when one of the kids tripped on their way in.

Third Person POV

The Darkhold

Wanda still hadn't got her hands on it, though she was searching relentlessly.

She found out the book had been used by some secret SHIELD Agency some time ago (Has anyone watched Agents of SHIELD?) before disappearing again. The only question was who or what currently had it?

Little did she know the person who had the book, was looking for her too.

Or more specifically...The Scarlet Witch


Dakota's POV

"Scoops Troop, do you copy?" Mike tried Steve and the others again. "Scoops Troop, do you copy? Scoops Troop, I repeat, do you copy?"

I sighed when we got no response back and walked over to Nancy and the others. "You're going to kill him aren't you?" Max asked when she saw me inspect one of Nancy's guns.

"This is just a precaution." I put it in my waistband. "I don't want to kill him and I'll try my very best not to but if it comes to your lives or his..."

Max nodded sadly and I pulled her into a hug. "Relax, we've got everything under control."

"Wait-" Will looked at us. "If Billy knows we're here, so does the Mind Flayer."

"God dammit." I muttered letting Max go and running a hand through my hair.

"Scoops Troop, I repeat, we are in need of emergency transportation. Do you copy?" I heard Mike say again, walking past the car Eleven had thrown earlier. "Scoops do you copy!"

"No chance that thing will drive, right?" Jonathan asked looking at it and a grin formed on my face.

"Jonathan you're a genius!" I ran over to the car and the others followed me.

"Will it really drive?" Nancy asked.

I scoffed. "Of course not, but we don't need it to drive. We just need its ignition cable."


Third Person POV

Wanda couldn't take it anymore, she gave up.

She couldn't go back to the Avengers, not after what she did them.

Trying to find Dakota and the Darkhold failed. Every clue she went after was a dead end which is why she now found herself driving into a small town in Jersey.

She glanced at the letter in her hands and followed the directions to a site where she exited the car and looked toward the now for sale property.

Tears ran down her cheeks as she looked down at the blue prints in her hands she and Vision had designed some time ago.

It was their dream home

Right in the middle of the page was a red heart with a few words Vision had written in.

To grow old in, V

Next to the heart was a plus sign

Dakota included because we both know she'll end up living with us

Dakota's POV

I grunted, using all my strength to push the car along with everyone else. "Push!" Jonathan yelled.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Nancy snapped as we were able to lift it a couple inches away from the counter it had crashed into before it fell back and everyone groaned.


"Let me try." Eleven spoke up and Mike sighed.


"I can do it." She said and we all backed away as she took a deep breath and lifted her hand, narrowing her eyes at the car.

She let out a small yell but nothing happened and she stared down at her hand in shock.

"Hey..." I went up to her. "It's okay, we'll figure it out. Go rest."


Third Person POV

Wanda opened her eyes and gasped when she saw Vision in front of her (Vision is dead in this story. I know in the beginning it said he wasn't but I changed it. Sorry)

"What's wrong dear?" He asked and Wanda looked around in surprise seeing she was in a house, dressed as if she was in a sitcom.

The door to the house opened and Dakota walked in. Dressed in the same style of clothes Wanda was in.

"I just met our neighbor, Agnes, and she is a dear." She smiled and Wanda watched as Dakota pulled something out of the bag she was carrying. "She gifted us with these tomatoes she grew in her garden! Isn't that nice?"

Wanda nodded slowly. "Yes...yes it is." She smiled.


Anyone else hear the WandaVision theme song?

Just me? Okay

Galaxies Apart (Marvel X Stranger Things) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now