Fulgur x GN!Reader 🍋☁️

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You were in a party at your friend's newly opened club late at night. You didn't answer any of your boyfriend's messages or calls, making him worried. He had to pick you up from the club before something bad from his thought actually happen. Now he gotta deal with a drunken, horny, yet affectionate lover.


"Where are they..." Fulgur mumbled while his phone is still ringing.

It's been over 30 minutes since the first time he called you. You never pick up the call, making him worry. He never really bother you when you're hanging out with your friends, but he knows that you're going to at least reply to his messages. It's been almost 3 hours since you left the house.

He sighs as he turn off his phone and grab his jacket. He decided to just pick you up before something happens to you. He hop in to his car and drive to the newly opened club you're at. He drives silently, praying that nothing bad happens to you.

Once he's there, he rushes inside the club. He spots one of your friend with an unfamiliar man. He hesitantly walk up to them.

"Hey, uhm... Axel, right?" He asked.

The shorter male turned around, "Oh, Y/n's boyfriend, right?" Fulgur nods. "I guess you're searching for them, huh? I last saw them going upstairs. You better check on them," he recommended.

Fulgur nods and says thanks to him and sorry for disturbing. He quickly runs upstairs and searched for you. He also notices that the place is more quiet than the last floor he was on.

He walks to the back of the floor to see a really chill space. And there you are, sitting calmly with another person beside you. Wait...

"Y/n?" Fulgur called. You turn your head softly. You're too drunk to even read the room.

"Fu-chan!~ Hellouu~ I wanted to text you, but my phone died!" You exclaimed, forgetting the guy beside you.

"Do you- Do you know that guy?" Asked Fulgur while pointing the guy.

"Ooh~ I met him here! We're friends," you said. Of course, you both barely know each other.

Fulgur sighs, " c'mon, Y/n, we have to go now. You're going to end up passing out somewhere and I don't want that to happen." He drags you by the arm and you try to break from his grip. His grip is too strong for you, obviously, but not so strong that he'll break your bone.

You both, finally, are in the car and are heading home. Oh, how he can't wait to finally have a good sleep without worrying about you. Spoiler- he's going to have to wait.

You're just vibing with the music coming from the car radio. You also have a bottled water in between your thighs, but you refuse to drink it. "I'm not thirsty.."

After what felt like a 30 minutes ride, you both finally arrived. Fulgur tilt his head to the side to see you sleeping. Now he's going to have to carry you. It's no problem for him,of course. He's done this many times before.

He gently lay you on the bed, pulling the blanket to cover your body. You wake up with a groan, reaching for Fulgur's arm. You yank his arm, making him stumble back a bit.

"Come back..." you trailed off.

You feel your body getting picked up for a second. You open your eyes a bit to see your boyfriend with his arms wrapped around you. Fulgur kiss your head and tell you to go to sleep.

You, still a bit drunk, move your body to a different position. Now you're on top of Fulgur, who's as red as his metal arms. Your hands are at either side of his head. Same with your legs, but it's beside his hips. You lower your bottom half down until your ass is on his croch.

"Y/n what are you- " before he could finish, you kiss him. Slipping your tongue in while you can.

You break the kiss and said, "I miss you."

He's about to say something, but was also stopped when you lower your head to his neck. You're practically breathing on his neck now. Little moans and groans come out of his mouth as you give his neck some affection.

"Y/n-- Hmph!-" Fulgur cover his mouth as he feel you bottom moving.

"Hm? Why are you covering your mouth?" You asked innocently. You grab both of his hands and pin it down before you continue to move around.

Safe to say that you guys' clothes ended up laying on the floor till the morning.


Well that was one hell of a week😃 Uhhm-. I'm so sorry for the really late update. I have so much time on my hand since yesterday, and I just have the motivation to write today? Wow. Worry not, my darlings, I have two stories in draft! Let's see if I actually finish it-

835 words

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