Chapter 25

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Pete POV

My blood is boiling at temperatures I can't even comprehend. I took my phone out and texted Phairoh,

Pete: Girl, Sinn has some man with her at the engagement party, aren't you going to check on her?
Fai: Huh? She said she has work
Pete: Image of Sinn with Tay
Fai: She is so dead!!

"Vegas!" Sinn walked towards us with Tay. I put on a fake smile and greeted them. Vegas however was grinning wider. Huh? Sinn's pocket started vibrating in the middle of the conversation, of course, it was phairoh. "Honey, I am at work! Seriously! BELIEVE ME!!!" Sinn whined and went somewhere quiet to talk.

"So Vegas, how is life?" Tay asked him. "Everything is good, how about you, I saw you went to the parade recently." "Yeah, it was fun, you should come next time."

"HE WILL BE BUSY!" I interrupted,

"The next one is next year..."

"He has a lot of stuff planned, you know expansion, expansion. Business stuff, you wouldn't know. Um, I don't think we have been introduced to each other yet?" I was about to lose my calm.

Vegas put his hand on my shoulder. "AH, Tay this is Pete, my secretary and the genius behind DP." Tay shook my hand and replied, "Hello, I am Tay and I am a senior attorney at Queens. I am also their inclusivity ambassador.  I helped with the bride's divorce last year and we have a good relationship. Normally attorneys aren't invited to events like this but the distributor is also quite close to Queens so they invited Sinn and me to join. I am not with her as her partner!"

He declared. Hmm... "Plus I knew Vegas will be here and we haven't seen each other in a while." He winked at Vegas. HE WINKED! I swear I will strangle him.

Vegas smiled and they clinked glasses. What the hell? Why is he being all flirty? The bride's family came to meet me and we chatted for some time but I couldn't focus. I kept glancing at Vegas and Tay. I guess I was so distracted that I may have downed a few extra glasses of champagne.

Vegas looked happy, he smiled with Tay. They kept showing each other stuff on their phones and they laughed. What the hell are they talking about? He never smiles like that with me... I want to keep it for me only!

Tay leaned over to Vegas's ear... THAT'S IT! I marched over to Vegas and pulled him outside, "Sir we have to go!" I yelled.

"What happened?" He was alarmed.

"IT'S NOT FAIR!" Oh no, drunk me is taking over, shit!


"YOU, are smiling too much with him!"

"Is smiling wrong ?"

"Well, no... BUT WITH HIM YES!" HE placed his hand on my shoulder, "How many glasses did you have?"

I counted with my fingers, "1,2,3...12? BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT!"

"Ok, what happened?"

"No, more like what happened to you? Yesterday you were like I can't resist, well that seemed like resisting to me!"

He dragged me to the washroom and put the cleaning sign so that no one will come in. "Now tell me, what the fuck are you saying?"

"Why are you being nice to Tay?"

"He is an old friend so yeah, I am nice to him."

"He's not just an old friend, is he? Don't lie to me!" I glared at him.

"Ok fine, he was an ex, so what?"

"Yesterday you said you needed me and when he showed up you were all happy and forgot me didn't you?"

HE asked slowly "You remembered?".

"OF COURSE I DID! You didn't even let me tell you anything, you kept making decisions for yourself! So what if I have a kid, I deserve happiness too. Plus, you don't get to make decisions about my love life, if I like you, let me like you! JEE-" Vegas pulled me in for a hug. He rested his head on my shoulder and didn't say anything. It took me a while to realize that I JUST CONFESSED.

The man didn't let go. Some big corporate king he is, look at him now. I hugged him back. "I was talking to Tay about you." He said with his gaze down. "What?"

"Yeah, I was talking to him about how great you are, how valuable you are, I even showed him pictures of you with Venice. I kept bragging about you and Tay is getting engaged to his childhood friend Time, so he wanted to give me an invite to his wedding. That's why we were not talking to anyone else. Plus you know me, if you're not there I wouldn't socialize with anyone."

I am EMBARRASSED. I started blushing hard. "AY, Why didn't you stop me"

He lifted his face and smirked, "You wouldn't have confessed then!"

We just stared into each other's eyes and Vegas put his hands on my face, pulling me closer. "Are you ok with this?" He asked in a deep voice.

I placed my forehead on his, "if you don't kiss me in 3 seconds I will walk out of your life, 1-"

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