Chapter 11

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Phairoh POV

"Are you in the mafia?" I asked her. Because there is no way a loan shark begged for her forgiveness like that. Maybe she is like those Italian mob masters. "I'm going to make you an offer you can't refuse" DAmn IS SHE ASIAN GODFATHER???

She hesitated a bit and chuckled. "LOL! No, I am not the mafia. What made you say that?"

"Well you weren't phased at all by any of the incidents that happened today, and the loan shark guy is your uncle. And he was shit scared of you."

"Ok, first of all, as a female lawyer, I have learned to intimidate people rather than be intimidated. Why? Because the world sucks for us. The least I can do is pretend not to be scared of it. Secondly, my parents are normal middle-class people. My brother is an investor so once he started making money our family situation got better. HE invested in my firm and DP. Together we pay our younger brother's college tuition fee. That's our family."

"Oh... ok."

"Don't be scared of me ok? I am the CEO of the best law firm but I am also just a human being." sheesh what a bragger.

"Alright," I said and relaxed a bit. "By the way, shouldn't I be scared of you? What did he mean when he said you were a fighter?"

"I- I used to be a street fighter" I stuttered. I hated this part of me. Even Chay did not know about this. Only Pete did and he was against it too. But I didn't have any other way to make money back then.

Sinn hit the breaks and said, "WHATTTT! There are female street fighters?" She asked.
"Yeah, why not?"
"I assumed only guys do that."
"Well if there are female lawyers, there can be female fighters too don't you think?"
"Hey calm down, I think it's super cool."
"Oh. ok..." I smiled a bit.
I remember Pete would scream at me every time there was a fight. But it was a long time back. It's not easy making it without a degree so this was the only way I could think of, the other was like selling my body which I personally wasn't interested in. 

Sinn dropped me off at the bakery and left. Pete was manning the store and Chay wasn't there. Where is he? This kid! One day I tell him to manage the shop and he ran away!

~Sinn POV~

I drove to Vegas's building and got some fried chicken on the way. He was at home and he immediately rolled his eyes when I came in. "Hello dear brother!" "When are you going?" "Don't treat the guest like that. Here fried chicken." "Huh! Fats and you? What happened to your whole Boxer body thing?"

"I just want to chill today. Do you have some beer?" "Fridge"

"Get me some" "NO" "PLEAAAAAAASEE," I said. "EW grow up" He walked up and got beer. Works every time.

"Guess who I met."
"Uncle Thee."
"yeah I know right."
"HOW?" I told him the whole story.

"Pete didn't tell me he recommended you to someone."

"Oh, that's what you care about. By the way, what's going on with you and Pete?"


"Just colleagues?"

"Just colleagues"

"Nothing more?"


"nothing more."



"Relax man, I am calling Khun now." She was half drunk so this is going to be fun.

"Shhh, it's ringing."

"Hello, who is this?"

"KHUN! It's me your sister, Sinn! Why don't you have my number saved?"

"OH Hello traitor. I'm sorry, do I need to have a betrayer's phone number saved? I don't think so." I didn't know this but the phone was on speaker and Vegas kept snickering.

I threw my shoe at him and the bastard missed.

"WHY ARE yOU CALLING ME BY MY NAME? they don't have manners in the US?"

"Sorry P'. I'm coming over tomorrow."


"What do you mean why? I'm moving back home for good."

"No my dear. Stay there, don't you dare come back. You left me when I was dealing with the worst stage of my life and you didn't even look back. So fuck off. And, I put your room and Kim's room on rent. The new tenants are moving in tomorrow. HAH, you can't even stay here if you come!"

"WHAT THE FUCK! What about my stuff?"

"I shipped it off to Ma. She has everything."

OK.... now what? I came here to fight with them but now there is literally no one to back me up... Should have just stayed there then, if this is what I mean to them.

"Just leave, staying here was a mistake I made, don't do it. Take Kim with you when you leave this time. " — He hung up.

My head hurt, my only family here doesn't want me, and living there was just painful. 

"You know what Vegas, on second thought, I'm leaving now."

"NO stay here, it's too late, you are drunk and I can't let you go out like this. What did you do to Khun that he is so mad?"

"You don't need to know."

"Maybe, but I'm the only one here and you can just tell me." My eyes were filled with tears but I am too stuck up to let them fall. I just turned away and walked to the door.

"Je. Calm down. It's ok. I hate to say this but, I'm here..." I sat down on my knees and cried. "I didn't mean to leave..."

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