Chapter 9

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~Sinn pov~
I took her to the cafe downstairs and started talking. "So your aunt just ran away with no notice." "My brother told me that she left a voice note." "And you have no idea what she said do you ?" She shook her head

"This is not good. " I thought out loud. She looked like she was about to cry. I mean it makes sense. Imagine having no parents, no house to go to and the one adult you can call family runs away after gambling your house.

"Hey, don't worry... we can find our way out of this." I lied I have no idea. I came here to solve my problem and now I have two. She started crying, shit! "Sob- please is there any sob- way YOu can help me?" "You know what maybe there is. Why don't you take me to the loan shark people first." I said.

Maybe if I find out who they are I can just throw them in jail for assault instead.

She nodded yes and we both left the cage to the main exit." is your car parked here?" I asked her. "Car? I came here through the metro." She said. THERE IS A METRO HERE??? Damn all this while I've been driving around without even thinking about the metro. I can't believe I forgot. "Ummm do you need a metro card?" I asked her. She finally smiled. "Yeah obviously." She chuckled. "I would offer you one but my spare doesn't have enough credit" "Ok then we'll take my car," I told her and gave the car ticket to the valet. We got in and Phairoh looked like she had never seen a car before. She looked all around like a curious cat. I grinned unconsciously. 

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Approximately how much is this car worth?" She asked while checking out the dashboard. "Are you really in a position to ask that question?" I laughed. She glared at me and went back to looking around in the car. "I may not be able to afford it now but I can in the future, hmph" She murmured.
"Until then, you can use mine," I said and started the car.

~Phairoh POV~

Ok, she didn't have to be that flirty with it. Gosh, I'm like properly blushing now. We went to the debt collector's place. It was in the shadiest part of the city. The area actually used to be underdeveloped but loan sharks and gangsters took over and made it a gambling den. They attract stupid people like my aunt and extort money.

We got out of the car and entered the streets, it was too narrow for Sinn's majestic Range Rover to go through. "Hey.... Phairoh what's up?" A man asked from the shadows. I recognized the voice. Its Tem... He was my friend back when I worked in the bar. "What you don't want to fight anymore? Got yourself a husband?" He asked.

"Go away Tem, I am not doing that anymore." He came closer but I walked away. "You're new, you look pretty built, wanna fight?" He asked Sinn. That's it. I came back to punch him but Sinn had already kicked him in the shin. "Next time I am going to aim further up. Be careful" She said.

I smiled and held out my hand for her. She took it and we walked to the main casino. The guards blocked us and asked, "Authorized access only!"

 "I am here to meet the head."

 "To borrow money or to give back?" 

"I have a question."

 "OK so you haven't brought back the money have you." Damn it, when did they start hiring smart guards. He grabbed me and Sinn by our arms and took us inside.

It's not like we did anything wrong, It wasn't even me! "Have a seat" they said and made us sit in almost broken wooden chairs. I was panicking but Sinn looked completely fine. She looked at me and mouthed "Are you ok?" I nodded yes and looked ahead.

"Phairoh Kittisawat.... August's guarantor am I right?"A voice behind us asked. It was obviously the head. His name is 'Viper' So fucking pretentious.

"Yes...NO, I am not her guarantor! See this is my lawyer, if you do anything to my assets she will throw you in Jail." "Then we should get rid of her before that happens, shouldn't we? Oh and Ms.Lawyer, you are on my turf but you're acting as if you own the place!" It's true, Sinn was sitting with her legs crossed and arms on the armrests. She also looked cold and stern. "Well if you could show me your face, I may be a bit more respectful." She said. "What are you doing???" I whispered.

"Ooh what a tongue, ok if that's the case, put the lights on!" Viper was clearly mad and he stood in front of us. I thought I was the fashion disaster, he was even worse. He was in an electric green leather jacket with tacky chains and orange pants. He also had permed long hair but it was so thin I could see his bald spot. Sheesh.

Sinn took off her sunglasses and stared at him for a while. "Uncle?" what?

"UNCLE!!!" She screamed. "OH My God!" VIper screened. What is going on?


~Pete POV~

Vegas looked happy today. After he saw Sinn yesterday he looked dull but today he was even early to work. I thought he would have a hangover. "here is your espresso" I placed his cup and walked to my desk. "Pete!" "Yes sir?"

"Could you bring something sweeter instead? Like a white mocha with whipped cream and caramel drizzle?" My jaw dropped. He had been avoiding anything sweet for the last 5 years. What happened? "Sir, did I hear that right?" "Yeah, I want something sweet." "is anything bothering you sir, are you stressed?" He smiled. "Pete, don't worry. I am craving sugar that's it." Wow ok. I went back to the cafe and got him a drink. Weird. Today there wasn't anything stressful, we finished most of our meetings and we sat down to finish our work. There were more documents that needed to be signed and I suddenly had too much energy because  I drank the leftover espresso. 

By 5 pm Vegas got tired but I was still going on. "Pete, aren't you overworking yourself?" he asked. "NO Sir, just one more document!" "Your eyes look red, just take a break, let's go eat." I frowned "I'll finish this sir, we can go after."

"Oh you're going against your boss is it?" I rolled my eyes—abuse of authority much. I closed my document and we went to a nearby restaurant. "Let's take some time off of work for now." "Ok, sir." "Out of work, I'm not sir" "Ok... Vegas." I said. It was weird calling him Vegas to his face.

"You know Pete you've worked here for so long and we have never had lunch just the two of us like this!" He looked amused. It is true, usually, I would eat lunch alone or with the whole team.

"Yeah..." I said as I munched on my rice. "Ok tell me about you, what kind of food do you like?" Why does he care now? Is he really that bored? "I don't have a favorite food, I eat everything." "Everyone has a favorite food, come on, tell me!"

 "Well I used to really love spicy stuff, but after Venice, I stopped buying chillis because he couldn't eat it. "

I haven't eaten spicy food in so long. Even now I was having yellow curry without chillis even though I wasn't with Venice.

"That doesn't make any sense, you can still make spicy food for yourself right?" "Yeah, but when you cook for two it's easier to make one dish rather than two separate dishes." "Oh," He said and went back to eating. Vegas POVThat's not good, he needs to eat what he wants. Is this what will happen if I am a parent? I mean I don't eat spicy food but will I lose all my interest in my hobbies and stuff? Why did Pete get a kid anyway? From what I know, he adopted the kid from an orphanage. Does he just like kids or something?

"Sir, I'll get going." He said and got up. I held his forearm and said, " Wait leave after dessert!" I don't know why I did that, but it was nice to sit with him and eat, I didn't want it to end.

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