Chapter 2

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~Pete pov~

"I'm here!" I said stepping foot into the "cupcake madness" bakery. My childhood best friend Phairoh owns it and she coincidentally annoyed my boss.

"YOU CAME!!!! YOUR BOSS FINALLY LET YOU GO LET'S CELEBRATE BITCH!" I smacked her hand. "No, you asshole, why did you say that? It would be very weird if I didn't go especially considering Vegas's social anxiety."

"Oho, what is he, your boyfriend? Why do you care so much? You're a subordinate who has been let off work early, and now we can be happy!!!" She said pulling me to her side of the counter.

Her younger brother chay babysits my child Venice. They were in the corner playing and having fun. "Here have a cupcake!" Phairoh said offering a dark chocolate cupcake, " no I can't risk it,  recently people our age are getting fat." "Oh shut up, what people our age crap, we're only 34. Plus you've got rock-hard abs boi!" She said pointing at my sloppy one pack." Abs my ass " she giggled and I smiled a little. "YOu smiling? Have I been blessed?" Phairoh teased.

"How was Venice today? What did you guys do?" I asked chay. "We went to the park didn't we Venice?" " yeah, and elder brother forgot me because of some pretty elder brother-" Chay immediately covers his mouth and laughed "haha. Now Venice I think it's time for snacks!" Bitch what? "CHAY I SWEAR!" I yelled at him. How could he leave his nephew for some hot guy? I didn't want to lecture Chay but I was still disappointed. We had our food and I took Venice back home. He dozed off the moment his head hit the pillow and so did I.

In this world, it's just Venice and I, no one else. Everyone and everything else is just trash. Even Phairoh can be an ass sometimes, actually most of the time. To me, the only people who matter are very limited and for now, I really don't care about anyone but Venice, why? Because he gave me a reason to live.

My childhood was pretty basic, my dad abused me to be the top scorer in class, and my mom used to be an alcoholic. Towards the end of their relationship one of them ended up hitting the other and the next thing I knew I was on a train to my grandma's place. My grandma wasn't the nicest person but it wasn't bad. I studied well, worked hard, and tried to fit in. I had to adopt different personas in class so that people don't bully me or call me a freak. And then one fine day it happened.

I developed feelings for my classmate and everyone including teachers was now against me. They got me suspended for things I didn't even do. Grandma couldn't handle the fact that I liked boys and that shock made her faint. Luckily she was fine but I had to move again. So for high school, I moved to the city on my own.

I got my scholarship and went to London business school. I got my management degree and did my master's as well. But everywhere I went I kept getting shot down. Because of the way I dressed, because I'm Asian because I was too short, too tall, and other reasons that they couldn't legally tell me. So I came back. During this time Yai (grandma) collapsed for the first time.

My life stopped. I couldn't fathom a life without her because at the end of the day I had someone to lean on. But now that her time is slowly finishing up I realized I am going to be alone, forever. "Why don't you marry Phairoh? I know, I know you like boys or men or ladyboys, but are you going to be like this forever?" I couldn't scream that Phairoh liked women to her, she would have another heart attack. I just smiled and swept it under the rug.

I started working at DP at that time. It was close to home and there wasn't much work because they just opened. I became quickly acquainted with Vegas, the founder. He was... nice? But at that time work was too important for me to catch feelings again. So I pushed away any sideways thoughts and went on with whatever task he gave me.

When business took off we moved to the city again and the sales exploded. We thought of even undertaking social promises and Since Vegas and his younger brother Macao used to volunteer at an orphanage a lot as children, the first CSR opportunity DP took was to have a perfume and soap-making workshop with them. That's when I met Venice. He was around 1 year old at the time. The moment I saw him there was an instant connection.

He made me forget all my troubles with his cute little face and I felt needed in the world. Playing with him, taking care of him, everything Gave me some purpose. And then I chose to adopt him. I told yai that it was mine and Phairoh's son whenever I took Venice home so that she would be happy knowing I'm not alone. And truly because of Venice, I thought my life was finally getting brighter.

Until Venice was kidnapped.


I might be using some Thai pronouns in the coming chapters so here they are for anyone who doesn't know them 

P' - elder brother or sister 

Je - elder sister 

Hia- elder brother 

Yai - word for grandmother. 

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