Chapter 20 - Sinn Phairoh Side Story

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Phairoh POV

Dating Sinn was fun, every day we would text each other, and try to meet up and it was all cutesy. I hired a part-timer as well so I had some time off.

I even went shopping for myself, FINALLY! I dropped by Pete's office to give him a gift as well. "PETE!!!" He gave me his access card for emergencies so I obviously used it for anything but that.

I had too many bags on my hands and I was practicing wearing my heels, each step felt like something was off. "Phairoh what's with the bags, what happened?" He asked.

I got excited and missed a step, I couldn't hold anything because of the bags and fell face first. "I'm fine. Hehe"

I stood up and gave Pete his gift. "Here you go I got you and Venice matching tops!"

"Why suddenly?"

"I don't know, I'm in a good mood... this is for vegas, give it to him!"

"Why would you give him a gift?"

"Not me, I just want my best friend to get a partner like me!"


I nodded yes. Pete couldn't believe it obviously. He asked me who it is and I told him I'll let him know later.

Tankhun and I became close as well. I got all of them small gifts. "WOOHOO!!! Phairoh!! I love it this is totally my style. Imma look snatched!" I got him hair dyes because he seemed to like changing hair colors.

I got Arm and Pol 'his' and 'his' mugs coz Chay told me about them and it was too cute. I didn't get chay shit because he needs to get a stable job first and stop partying. I got him a watch actually but I hid it so he can find it when he truly earns it. I also got Sinn a necklace.

I know she said she doesn't want to rush things but I could not resist. Besides I don't get a lot of days off so might as well buy something now. We were supposed to meet this weekend but we couldn't do it she told me we would meet next week.

We talked on the phone today,

"Where do you live?" I asked out of curiosity, she just came back from the US, so she must be in a hotel right?

"I live with my cousin."

"Oh? Where?"

"You know the DP building?"

"Ohhh you live with Vegas? That's nice..."

"You should come by!"

I'm so excited!!! I wrapped it and put it in a cookie bag and even wrote her name in calligraphy. My handwriting sucked so I made Chay do it and it turned out pretty well.

Vegas and Pete dropped by and they saw it. "Why do you know where Sinn lives?" Vegas asked. Damnit I forgot she told me to keep it a secret from him. They went away and my part-timer arrived.

It was her second day and she wasn't that bad at her job so I handed over the keys to her and went to get ready.

I was excited because we haven't met since we went on a walk. Today I dressed up in casual chic vibes, I had a sleek black Bralette and black pants. Tankhun gave me accessories again, forever grateful to him for having an eye for this stuff.

This was the first time I had ever gone on a date like this so I really hope this goes well!!

-Vegas's house -

I knocked on the door and Macao opened it. "YOU?"


"How are you here?"

"I live here sometimes. I was about to leave though! So you are P'Sinn's date huh?"

"NO no... Why are you here?"

"I am Vegas's brother."

NO Fricken way! This is crazy! How did I not know???

Macao went out and Sinn came out of her room looking gorgeous as usual.

She was in a red satin shirt and black flare pants. She let her hair down this time and it suited her.

She brought wine and two glasses. I hate wine though.... How do I tell her?

"I see you've met Macao before."

"Yeah, he is my brother's best friend!"

"Ohhh, it's like our fates are intertwined then!" She smiled.

She poured the glasses and motioned for us to clink them. I tried to drink it but it was too disgusting so I pretended to take a sip and kept it down.

She had prepared a candlelight dinner with chicken arrabbiata pasta, bread, and grilled seabass.

We started eating and we chatted about movies and tv shows. "So what's your favorite Avengers movie?" She asked me. "I liked literally all of them!"


"My first crush was Natasha Romanoff"

"SAME!!!" We both bonded over that for a bit. "Do you want to watch something?" "Sure... What though?" "Animation?" "Let's watch Mulan." She put it on TV and went to the fridge and started rummaging.

"What are you looking for?" I stood behind her and asked. "I asked Macao to keep ice cream but it isn't here."

I opened the top shelf and it was right there. She looked up and 'smack' the door hit her. "ow!" Omg, I didn't know whether to laugh or comfort her. "heheeh, you should have looked." I smirked and took out the ice cream tub.

She was still rubbing her temples and she started pouting. Awww. I massaged her forehead. "Wow... not so tough now huh?" she placed her hand around me and pulled me closer. "hehe, you let your guard down quite easily." She said and let go.

Hey! Why would you let go?

Sinn POV

She clearly looked disappointed as hell, I still got the moves! I scooped the ice cream and added some toppings to it. Phairoh sat down to watch the movie.

I sat on the edge and strategically extended my arm on the back of the sofa so that she will lean in closer. She took the bait! She looks so damn fine today, I can't even focus on the movie.

Suddenly she got up and said, " Oh I almost forgot, I have something for you!" She took out a cookie basket from her tote bag. Awwww. It's so cute!

"Thank you!" "Look inside first!" She said excitedly. There was a small box with a pink bow. I opened it and there was a cute necklace in it with a butterfly pendant. This is so sweet. "Now, for real thank you. But why all of a sudden?"
"I just felt like it... It's ok if you don't like it the dude said we have 14 days for exchange and re-"

" I love it!" I said. Of course, I loved it! It was my style, a rose gold chain with a rectangular Pendant, simple yet sophisticated. Plus, I haven't received a gift in years. 

I reached out to her lips and wiped the ice cream on her face. (It kept bothering me from the beginning).  We giggled. She got closer and I wrapped my arm around her.

Within an hour both of us dozed off lol but it was the most enjoyable sleep I had in a while.

A/N ~ 

This is the end of the side story, for now, I'll weave their plot into the main story from now on. 

Thank you for the Votes and everything!


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