Chapter 12

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Pete PoV

"Calm down Phairoh, Calm. " "Nah, where is my brother? I swear Pete if anything happens to him, I will make sure Venice doesn't have a dad." "Shut up, he is with Macao." "OK, fine, I will call Macao." Ay, she is overreacting. 

"Hello, Macao! Is Chay with you?"
"Can you give the phone to him?"
"Um actually sister, chay is in the washroom."
"Oh, I know this trick. I know what you're doing. He is not with you is he?"
"No really he is there, I will ask him to text you." He hung up on her.

Shit Macao if we don't do this right we are so screwed.


Chay <3: Je, I am with Macao, what happened?

Phairoh: Just checking baby, have fun, and be back by 11.

Chay <3: Ok.

"Fine. He confirmed where he is. You can live now."

"You do understand Chay is an adult now."

"Shush, I don't need to hear from Mr.Overprotective." "Ok, Ms.Overprotective."

"How was it with Sinn?"

"Problem solved."

"HUH? That soon?"


Phairoh explained everything to me and I was honestly astonished. How big is the Theerapanyakul family? Every day I find a new one.

"How was your day?"

"Nothing, I had a lot of work, Vegas took me to eat food, that's it."

"Just you two?"

"Yeah, just us two."

"And you didn't feel anything?"


"DAMN! 7 years ago Pete would have been fangirling so hard. My boss is so hot, he took me on a lunch date. YOu would've run to me and screamed or danced around or something. Now, look at you. I am disappointed."

"I was literally never like that. Also, I have a kid."

"So? The kid could have another helper to take care of him."

"Please, I need to take care of Vegas, dating him will be like adopting another kid."

"Ah, but you don't mind right?"

"Drop it! I won't date anyone and that's final. When are you moving in?"

"We've already talked about terms and I've paid rent. Officially moving in tomorrow after I bake the first batch."

"PAAAAAAAAAAA I wanna go home! Barney is going to come."

"Doesn't barney come in the morning?"

"I play the reruns at like 8 so that he watches it and goes to sleep. Call me if you need help"

"I know, Ok GOGO."

I held Venice's tiny hand and we got a cab back home.

Vegas POV

"Je. Calm down. It's ok. I hate to say this but, I'm here..." she sat down on my knees and cried. "I didn't mean to leave..."

She calmed down and started speaking. "Well, back in the last year of high school, Khun was in 2nd year of college. He was doing well in his finance course. Everyone was happy with everything until one day Khun and his ex was caught making out in his room."

I have literally never heard about this before. I always just assumed Khun was gay because I got the vibes. But... No one told me about this.

"Our parents did not take it well and with my existing stress and this on top, I got pissed. See Khun would usually tell me everything about his life. He trusted me, like how Kim trusts you. Yeah, I know you guys are close." She glared at me and went on, "But I, I couldn't handle it anymore. I Was tired of being everyone's confession machine. On one side my parents would be like convince him to find a woman and on the other side Khun will be having a meltdown about how miserable his life is."

"Who would I go to vent? You were in grade ten and I couldn't have told you anything. Kim was like a baby. Plus I put so much pressure on myself to be the best because I wanted my parents to feel proud of me unlike how they treat Khun. So I left for the US. I was late but I applied and got the scholarship as well."

"Wait why were your parents supportive of you then, when you came out?"

"When I came back to start Queens, my parents had not seen me in a long time. Plus Kim moved out to Khun's new place because he couldn't handle them anymore. Only I was living with them. One day they were fighting about how Khun and Kim messed up their life by leaving them and I got pissed and came out.

I went to Khun's house that day and my parents called me. I kept it on speaker but it was a mistake because they said they would accept me.

Obviously, Kim and Khun got mad and they've just started isolating me."

"So you came here?"

"I - didn't know where else to go. I could have gone to a hotel, yes, but I didn't want to be alone. I wanted to face my parents but I am not courageous enough. It's just falling apart now."

I didn't know how to comfort her, given the fact that I have spent half my life hating her. But I understood how she felt. She must have gone through a hard time.

"Just stay here... It's ok. Stay until things get resolved. I'm going to bed, turn off the lights or pay the bill"

"Don't worry I will pay rent"


"Deal! Goodnight cousin!"

"EW... goodnight" I screamed and went to my room.

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