fifty nine

558 16 20

It's been a long ride, I love everyone who was here with me to experience it. It feels weird writing the final chapter after so long. Davina's become a part of my on the inside, she's like my muse now. I'm so thankful for everyone who's supported me and I love you. So without further ado.. The finale.


1 Year Later

She hair tangled around her neck from the comforting breeze cascading through the range rovers open window. Davina breathed in a heavy sigh, her expression displaying nothing but pure happiness.

Everything she had fought so long and hard for, everything she had dreamt about as a small girl, everything she ever wanted, she had.

The aroma of fresh trees and greenery whirled under her nose, relaxing her senses. A gentle hand brushing against the back of her hand brought the girl back into reality. She turned her head, staring at the side of her lovers face as he drove their car through a parted forrest.

"I love when you smile like this." Bucky spoke softly as he drove, his words burning nothing but love into her heart.

"When I smile like this?" She pondered aloud. "What's different to all the other times I smile?"

She laced her left hand through his fingers as he drove, her wedding ring pressing against her finger. The brunette saw her husband smirk, his eyes never leaving the road.

"It's real." He paused. "I love seeing you smile, in a moment you don't feel forced to smile. You look so free, I love it."

Davina's smile only grew at this. "Oh yeah?"


"It's easier to smile now that we're free.. I've never been free before. What's it like?" She asked, tilting her head towards him.

Bucky swallowed and then chuckled before opening his mouth to talk. "Well it's been a while." He pondered for a moment. "Just think of it like this doll... No more running, that's what being free is all about."

She gazed at him for what felt like forever, heart burning all the while before glancing in the cars revision mirror, smiling at a two year old Rebbie in the seat behind her. 

Love seemed to erupt from her heart when she saw the happiness her baby was swimming in. Davina's eyes flickered to the side of Rebecca, where twin babies slept peacefully in matching car seats Tony had helped her build months earlier. 

All she wanted for her children was for them to have it different. For them to grow up never knowing the fear that latched onto a person when they were forced to run. And now.. Now she had the opportunity to give them the only thing she had ever wanted for herself. Happiness.

The brunettes eyes examined her three children with love, smile only growing as she admired what love had become. She stared at her twins sleeping faces, remembering when Rebbie's features had once been that small.

Davina closed her eyes and leant back against her seat, squeezing Bucky's hand. Her thoughts travelled back to one of her prized memories. One of her favourites out of the many she had stored away in her clustered mind.

"They're perfect Davina." Wanda spoke softly, her eyes shining in uttermost delight at the newborn twins, fast asleep in the bassinets beside her best friends hospital bed. "What are their names?"

Davina smiled weakly at the ginger, glee filling her heart. "Take a look babe." She mumbled, fighting back the sleep threatening to overtake her body after the birth of two babies.

Wanda's eyes lit up and she walked slowly towards the bassinets to read the names printed on tiny slips of paper on the edge of each crib.

She reached the babe bundled in pink first and the Maximoff girl lifted the piece of paper up close to her face so she could read it better. A joking scoff emerged from her throat. "You named her after Nat and not me? The betrayal.. I love it though Vinnie, Natalia is perfect."

Wanda smiled genuinely at her, warmth pouring from her expression.

Davina squinted at her, excitement boiling up inside her. "Read the other one."

Wanda cocked her head towards her friend, confused at her friends sudden excitement. "What did you named your son Wanda?"

Davina chuckled, gesturing for her to read the name. Wanda rolled her eyes and picked up the paper, her body stilling at the name.

The paper was covering her face, so Davina awaited for her hand to drop nervously. As she moved the slip away from her eye line, tears bubbled up around Wanda's eyes, causing Davina's heart to break.

"Vinnie." Her voice cracked. "You didn't have to." 

Davina smiled, fighting against her own tears which threatened to spill down her face. "I thought it would be just perfect."

Wanda dropped the paper and leant down to wrap her arms around her friend. "Thank you Vinnie."

Davina's eyes opened and wandered back to Bucky, her first memories of Natalia and Pietro blending into newer ones. She sighed happily, smile never vanishing from her features.

"You okay over there doll?" Bucky murmured, glancing away from the road for a second to inspect her face, searching for any unwanted emotions.

"I'm perfectly happy." She whispered, more to herself than to him.

The girl felt his smile light up the car. "That's good... No regrets?" Bucky's voice was laced with nerves as he turned the car left, entering a small town. They drove in silence for a few minutes until a house came into view. They pulled into the driveway of the house with peonies and daisies decorating the garden, dark green window shutters, and a dark green door.

"No regrets."

Word Count ~ 937

And that's a wrap. Thank you for being here. <3

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