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IMPORTANT NOTE : Just thought i'd quickly add that this is pre- Civil War.

Ever since Davina and Bucky's close discovery from the famous Captain America and Falcon, or Stevie and his little birdie friend, as Bucky had loved to word it. The two have been on edge ever since then.

They could feel the two hero's gaining on their trail. Every move they took, they seemed to know that Steve and Sam were catching up, ready to take them. 

The pair had to be more careful now, they couldn't afford to travel as recklessly as they once had. Which meant to more village visits, sticking to the trees was a safer option. It was harder like this, the pair had to ration what little food they had, which meant starving themselves until one forced the other to eat something.

"What do we do if they find us Buck?" Davina spoke suddenly, breaking the silence that had coated over the duo for the past few hours.

"I don't know Vina." Bucky spoke with a tired expression drawn on his face. The pair of them hadn't slept more than 10 hours over the past week, and sleep was beginning to gnaw at the back of both brains.

"What will you say to him then?" Davina continued with a yawn.

"I don't know Vina."

"Well what will happen to you if they find us?"

"I don't know Vina." Bucky threw his head back, eyes rolling from annoyance.

"What would-"

Davina's question was cut off by Bucky grabbing her shoulders and shaking some sense into his irritating partner.

"I. Don't. Know. Davina. Stop. Asking. Questions. I. Can't. Answer." He paused after every word to shake her body slightly, hoping she would realise the stupidity in her pointless questions.

"Damn Bucky okay I-"

Davina couldn't finish her sentence for the second time in a row because of Bucky's rough flesh hand clamped tightly over her mouth. Bucky yanked her desperately into a bush, his hand still clamped firmly over her mouth.

Davina didn't have to think twice to know what was going on, they had been found.

She tapped his arm twice and nodded, letting him know he could take off his hand and she'd shut up. His eyes were on the trees as he released his hold around her mouth slowly. 

Davina followed his gaze from the bushes, her eyes were wild, franticly searching the terrain for any sign of life.

There wasn't anything, no noise, no people, there wasn't even the sound of the odd bird. Everything was completely silent.

Not for long.

She squinted her eyes and grabbed onto Bucky's flesh arm as loud voices formed to their right.

The words were muffled and the pair leaned to the right slightly, hoping to better hear their intruders voices. 

Davina felt Bucky's metal hand pull hers gently away from his arm, and instead moving it to be held lightly in his flesh hand. She stifled her smile under a frown as they continued searching the woodlands.

It wasn't long before a faded flash of blue and red could be seen in the distance.

She turned towards Bucky who was already looking at her, he silently mouthed Steve. Davina simply nodded and turned her attention back towards the sounds. By now, Sam Wilson was also visible, and their words had become easier to distinguish.

Davina rolled her eyes, the two hero's clearly weren't hiding from anyone in those halloween costumes.

"You sure this guy even remembers you?" Sam's voice was loud amongst the soft bird songs that had began to play again. "Say he doesn't remember and he goes all berserker on us and shoots me straight through the chest. Man you'd better be feeling like a shitty guilty mess at my funeral."

Davina felt Bucky tense up beside her, she wound their fingers together tighter and stroked his hand with her thumb softly in reassurance. She squeezed his hand slightly as they listened to the pair continue to talk.

"Thank you for the helpful input Sam, I appreciate it... Don't worry, he remembers." Cap's voice was softer than Sam's, luckily still audible through the bushes.

"How much we bettin?"

Davina could practically feel Sam's sly smirk all the way from their hiding spot, the sass on that guy was in the severe cases.

Davina and Bucky watched from their hiding place as Steve turned around and placed a hand on Sam's chest, forcing him to a sudden halt.

"We know he's with that girl, we know he was in that house, we saw them leave together, he seemed pretty sane to me Wilson."

Bucky cursed under his shallow breath, they had known Bucky was in the house, Steve hadn't wanted to spook Bucky by barging in. Damn he's clever. Davina scowled and grumbled under her breath.

"Mhm yeah, unless she's in kahoots with Hydra and your boy Bucky was under that witchy voodoo shit where he follows their every command." Sam's voice was sharp and irritating.

Now was Davina's turn to tense up, only her food skidded at her sudden position change, causing a leaf to crunch under her boot.

Sam continued rambling on but Steve's head shot up to survey the trees.

Bucky turned to look at her, his eyes bulging out of his head in clear annoyance.

"Sam shut up." They could barely hear Steve's quieted voice anymore. 

Davina felt Bucky lean his lips close towards her ear. A tendril of cold rolled its way down her back as his breath tickled against her skin chilled skin.

His words were so soft she had to concentrate closely to make out what was being spoken.

"We have to go, Steve knows we're here. It's only a matter of time before they find us, we're vulnerable hiding."

As much as Davina hated what Bucky was suggesting they do, she knew he was right. If they got found here, they were done, if they got found running however, the duo would at least have a chance at escape.

It was also clear Steve wasn't going to approach them if Bucky wasn't ready, the fact that they had left them in the house proved her point. Though she wasn't too sure about this Sam Wilson guy, he seemed ready to get what they came for and go back to his fancy household living.

Davina sighed under her breath and nodded, letting go of Bucky's hand and meeting his gaze for further instruction on their escape plan.

Bucky nodded slightly, his temple lined in thought before it relaxed and his mouth moved to form one last worded whisper.


Word Count : 1065

I wasn't planning on writing another chapter today, but I'm in lockdown and have nothing better to do anyways so why the hell not write some more.

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