forty seven

362 17 7


"DAVINA!" Bucky's voice roared through the walls of their large farmhouse, echoing across the walls and ceilings.

Wanda appeared at the front door, almost crashing straight into the flustered man, dropping the bundle of towels in her arms.

Before Wanda could react, Bucky had one hand on either shoulder, a pleading look cast upon his face. "Maximoff, where is she?" 

Wanda sighed, nodding her head towards the stairs. However, before he could pound up the staircase, Wanda grabbed onto his forearm, looking him directly in the eyes.

"She's okay Barnes.. But she isn't going to be okay if you go bounding in there like a madman, the girl's exhausted, I-I think it took a bad toll on her.."

Bucky pulled away from her grasp, but only made it halfway up the stairs before Wanda called out his name. "Bucky.."

He spun around to face her, a pained look upon his features.

She simply smiled her signature warm smile and spoke the few words Bucky had been hoping to hear. "It's a girl."

He nodded at her, continuing his journey to their room. The man found himself hesitating outside the door, craning his neck to hear even the smallest sound coming from the room.

After hearing nothing, he gently pushed open the door, cautiously stepping inside the room.

The sight which lay before his eyes seemed to melt his heart. 

"Oh Vina..."

Davina sat, curled up in a bundle of warm blankets, cradling a smaller bundle of blankets in her arms. She moved her gaze from her baby, to gaze up at her love.

Bucky forced himself not to flinch back at the sight of her face, though his body couldn't help but stiffen.

He took a heavy breath, waiting for her to acknowledge him before moving closer.

She seemed to read his mind, a shaking word escaping her chapped lips. "Hi."

His heart almost crumbled to pieces at the sound of her voice. Why did he think it was a good idea to visit Steve at a time like this. How could he even dream of being this stupid.

He took heavy steps towards her, eyes glued on the bundle in her arms. His baby's face was covered with a thin blanket, the little on clearly asleep.

He cautiously sat down on the edge of the bed, only moving closer to her when he felt her hand tugging at his sleeve lightly.

He moved slowly until he was sat on the bed next to her, her head immediately lay against his upper arm, breathing out a sigh.

With a shaking hand, she removed the thin blanket from the bundles face, revealing a perfect mixture of the two of them.

Bucky's breath shook as he gasped in awe. 

"H-here." She mumbled, carefully handing him their baby.

He took her in his arms, holding the tiny baby close to him. He allowed her head to rest on his right arm, supporting her body with his lap, whilst his left arm wrapped around Davina's waist, bringing her closer to him.

He placed the softest kiss on his child's head, and another on his dolls. With his face so close to Davina's he whispered. "I'm so proud of you... I'm sorry I couldn't be here for you." 

Davina opened her mouth to speak, only to close it once again, deciding her next words carefully. 


"What?" Bucky choked out.

"Your sister was named Rebecca... I think it's a beautiful name." She mumbled, one hand moving to trail her fingers gently across her newborns face.

Bucky's face seemed to glow with pride. "I-I think I love it.." He mumbled, placing another kiss on her head.

Davina smiled weakly, leaning her head further into his side. He smiled gently, giving her waist a reassuring squeeze.

"Rebecca Penton Barnes... I like it." Bucky whispered into her hair, carefully readjusting his hold on Rebecca.

"I-I think I need to sleep now..." Davina whispered, fighting her dropping eyelids from closing completely.

Bucky smiled at her. "I know.." He climbed out of the bed, baby in his arms, placing her carefully into her handmade crib. He smiled down at his daughter for a few moments, before turning back to his doll, who looked ready to pass out on the bed.

He couldn't help the chuckle that escaped his lips whilst he climbed under the covers next to her.

"Don't worry.. I changed the sheets after giving birth on them." She whispered, not bothering to open her eyes.

He chuckled once again. "You know I wouldn't care either way." 

She breathed in his scent, slowly shuffling closer to his warmth. He pulled her into his arms, wrapping both around her protectively, allowing the girl to rest her head comfortably on his chest.

Davina smiled, forcing herself to ignore all the pain coursing through her body. Taking anymore painkillers than she already had probably wouldn't end very well, so she decided to sleep it off and hope for the pain to ease away by the morning.

Bucky drew shapes on her lower back with the tips of his fingers, the mixture of flesh and metal against her skin helping to distract her mind away from the pain.

"I'm so proud of you." He mumbled towards her half asleep state of mind.

She mumbled a few grunts, clutching onto him slightly tighter, as if she was afraid he would disappear from their bed.

Bucky heard their front door opening and closing, suggesting that the crazy red head had left. He would never be able to thank her enough for this.

The Barnes man gave his doll one last tight squeeze before drifting off to fairyland himself, knowing that his usual nightmares wouldn't be bothering him tonight.

He was happy, as was his doll. And to him, that was all that mattered.

Word Count : 983

I felt so single writing this but whatever-

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